by Gil Dekel, PhD.
The Synergy Engine (SE) is an idea that Barbara Marx Hubbard came up with: a place on the internet where people would post their best ideas, their best insights and specific information that they have about programs and projects that are already working well.
Barbara’s idea is to create a powerful planetary networking platform, which is unlike any other forum groups available today online. The idea is so simple, yet has an inner value to it. On its face the Synergy Engine is based on the belief that if there is a problem somewhere, there is a solution available somewhere else. More so, someone has not just found a solution, but also tried it out and proved that it works. The Synergy Engine will become a global brain containing proven solutions, for anyone to access, share, and use. However, there is another level to the Synergy Engine which makes it so unique: the belief that every single person on this planet has a direct influence on the evolution of the whole human race…
This belief is explained in Neale Donald Walsch’s latest book ‘The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of You.’ Neale says that the Synergy Engine will not just bring together all the world’s wonderful ideas and solutions, rather it will bring new reasons for sharing and applying those solutions, based on people’s innate power to affect the evolution of the human race.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, founder of ‘Foundation for Conscious Evolution’ and initiator of ‘The Synergy Engine’. (Drawn from photograph.)
Neale explains that each one of us has far more powers to influence reality than we know. Apparently, there is a direct link between what we think and how people react to us. And this, in turn, shapes how we develop in our private and professional life, and how people around us evolve. We all seem to influence each other, and if we could see the bigger picture we would then see how the ‘small’ events in our daily lives have a design in the fabric of the total-life.
The Synergy Engine will facilitate a platform for us to see the bigger picture. For example, when a ‘simple’ idea that you have seen working in your local community turns into a much-needed solution for big problems in other parts of the world, then the true nature of human interaction is revealed: the nature of creative and poetic minds interconnecting for the purpose of elevating the human race (through simple sharing of ideas). In that way, using the Synergy Engine, people will come at a new awareness about who they are in relation to each other, and will see more clearly the reason or purpose that they have in influencing the future of the mankind. With such celebration of creativity, people will soon realise their immense powers of sharing solutions that make the voice of everyone heard, and also benefit others on a global scale.
While we already have global communication, The Synergy Engine will be the first organized global collaboration (which is communication with a clear intention of producing coherency). However, as Neale states clearly, for people to understand better how their minds and thoughts are already creative and affecting reality on local and global scale, we need to start by first asking ourselves: who am I? Why am I here? What do I intend to do on this planet?
But, how can we go about asking such big questions? Where should we start? There are many tools to start develop your creative thinking. I have studies a few methods that help develop solutions-oriented minds, and I suggest motivation and awareness workshops as a safe starting point. There are many other schools offering other consciousness tools.

Concept of the Wheel of Co-Creation, focusing on the intersections and cross disciplines on the wheel’s sections. This model was devised by Gil Dekel based on Barbara Marx Hubbard’s idea
The Synergy Engine is still an idea, and is not yet operating. Its publications in Neale’s book will definitely inspire many to start seek ways to develop it. I have asked Neale what it takes now to start up the Engine and its website. Once I get a reply from Neale I will post it here. It is envisioned that the Synergy Engine will be operated by volunteers in a so-called ‘Peace Room’, which is another creative idea by Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Barbara explains that governments have war rooms where they map areas of conflicts on the planet. Taking this model and using a positive-thinking, Barbara came up with the idea of a Peace Room, where volunteers will map all projects that are working well in the world and will connect between people that came up with solutions and those that require those solutions. The Peace Room will also be the centre of the Synergy Engine website, where all data coming in will be processed and catalogued in the Engine using a model, which Barbara calls ‘The Wheel of Co-Creation’.

‘Model of Barbara Marx Hubbard ’s Wheel of Co-creation’. Digital artwork and model concept by © Gil Dekel, 2011.
The Wheel of Co-Creation will be divided to different specialities, such as governance, education, technology, medicine, science, arts, and spirituality. However, the segmented sections are not meant to divide but rather to do just the opposite – to create a mechanism that demonstrates intersection, cross discipline, and cross-sectoral relations. Barbara explains that this will allow for people to see clearly how the whole system operates using its ‘separate’ sections as a one unified whole. This will produce potential where before there were only problems.
© Gil Dekel. 16 February 2011.
Last update 11 July 2013.
Help to promote Barbara’s message:
I’ve just started reading “the Mother of Invention” and while the thought of developing a synergy engine is a great concept, I was very disappointed to get on this site just to find nothing has been done with it. She tells of her awaking by being visited by her ‘universal self” . SO is this a big about finding your greater universal self, or is this about gathering human creativity to develop a synergy engine ? Is the synergy engine meant for humanity now so we can learn to be a higher developed self? And if we become a higher self, wouldn’t this information be known to all of us anyways? hopefully these questions will be bettered answered as I continue reading the book. But I almost feel like the SE is a tease. Like describing the world through magic glasses that allows the blind to see and they would be available to everyone. Then when you ask how you get a pair, you say oh they haven’t been developed yet, but one day they can be.
I am glad to say that work on the synergy-engine website has begun.
What progress has been made on the synergy engine and its website?
Barbara’s office just informed me that it is still in progress. There is still a long way to go…
Barbara, I love your ideas!!! Awesome!!!
I am reading the Mother of Invention. I resonate with it and delight in the sheer possibilities. What a joy to hear so much love, positive collaborations, excitement, and movement in so many projects. I am enjoying the book immensely.
I live in an area of MT where I hear so much fear and negativity. I keep telling these folks who think they know, to stay in the NOW and recognize their own projections. What is “absolutely true.” Can we truly know what lies ahead? More of us KNOW that the NOW is the only time there is. I believe it is wise to keep bringing our thoughts back to the NOW and live there as much as possible.
Thank you Neale for putting this book together, great job. THANK YOU Barbara for sharing these experiences with the world. I am sharing this book with all my “more conscious” friend. Blessings in all you are doing to share your love of the earth with the world and make it a better place for all. I love the entire concept and pray for a peaceful earth.
For what reason are we equipped to ask questions? (because answers are unavailable). Is there Awareness Physics that we are unable to perceive? Why, if we are originating thought from ourselves, can’t we predict “our” next thought?
Dr Gil Dekel provides an exciting stimulus for us to think about sharing our solutions, to connect fully with one another and add to the collective awareness and intelligence of our planet. As Dr Dekel remarks, the idea is a simple one, yet it also has great depth. It reveals that even the small steps we make reverberate out to others and to the wider environments in which we live. Also, what a wonderful idea to have a peace room, rather than a war room, where people can come together to foster mutually beneficial relationships which recognises, acknowledges and most importantly respects our diversity.