Mastering creativity

5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3.

Creativity drives innovation and offers new perspectives on the world around us. But, how do you find your creative muse and inspiration within? The first step is to uncover who we truly are, behind the social masks. Throughout our lives, we create various masks and identities in response to events and people that we meet. These identities come as a reaction to things that happen to us – things or events that were done to us. The identities we create are an attempt to protect ourselves, and also to guide us in life. However, identities can also hide who we truly are… So, how can you unveil and remove your mask?

This issue of the Journal of Creativity and Inspiration provides tools and insights to help you understand how to find your truth, and with it, how to find the inner creative muse. The issue covers the topics of human vs AI creativity, historical and mythical Influences in art, the role of light, colour and abstractions in art, intuition, personal expression, and authenticity.


‘Inspiration’, by Gil Dekel / AI. 2024.

‘Inspiration’, by Gil Dekel / AI. 2024.


To remove your mask, you can consider that your true light cannot shine through your mask, as your mask was designed to hide it. And so, like a child’s first step, you need to take your first step in un-masking; un-identifying, and un-hiding. The mask hides guilt, shame, or simple confusions you are having about yourself. This stops you from being more creative in life. It prevents you from evolving.

Human creativity is a profound gift that all should exercise. There are some unique elements to humanity and human creativity. Today, Artificial Intelligence platforms are very popular, and are seen, by some, as tools that can parallel human creativity. Yet, human creativity is characterized by intuition and emotions, something AI cannot exhibit. While AI can replicate patterns and styles, it cannot infuse art with the depth of human experience that gives art meaning and authenticity.

Authenticity begins with owning your emotions. Consider that everything that happens to you is the result of choices that have been made to protect you. This means that we need to take responsibility for our feelings, thoughts and actions. We cannot find creativity when we point our finger at others, blaming them and saying that they made us feel or act in certain ways. In reality, what you think, feel and do is of your own choice. No one is forcing you to feel certain ways. Once you acknowledge and accept responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions, your mastery starts unfolding.

A master knows that choices, situations, actions and reactions (as well as emotions and thoughts), were created by their ego. They were created to protect and keep them safe. So, a master does not blame others or themselves for these situations.

Notice how much of what you do you do because you were conditioned or taught to. Sometimes we may simply ‘download’ reactions from our parents’ legacies. They behaved the way they did because that is what their parents taught them, thinking this would keep them safe. And we do it for the same reasons. So, our parents’ actions and behaviours were meant to protect us as they come from love, even if it does not look like so. Actions come from the love of our parents, or the love of our ego trying to protect us. A love that wants to protect us. When you realise this, your artistic and healing process begins.

This is true artistic mastery; where you see your power not only in the good things, but in all your experiences… When you see that all experiences are part of a process, a development, a whole; and it is all perfect just as it is, right here, right now. It all makes who you are, allowing you to channel your inner light into art.


© Journal of Creativity and Inspiration.ISSN 2977-1811.
Image © Gil Dekel.


About the authors

Natalie Dekel, MPhil, B.Ed, BA, is a fully certified hypnotherapist (dip HSOH), Reiki Master/Teacher, Yoga Teacher and visionary artist. She has been offering healing and guidance since 2007. Natalie is the co-author of the ‘Energy Book’.

Gil Dekel is a doctor in Art, Design and Media, specializing in processes of creativity and inspiration. He is a lecturer, visionary artist, Reiki Master/Teacher, and co-author of the ‘Energy Book’. He was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Coin, in recognition of his dedication and commitment to pastoral work at Hampshire Constabulary.