by Gil Dekel.

Example of a 4-weeks timescale auditing process and structure (for setting up art exhibitions):

1: Define Scope, Schedule & Requirements. Confirm participants and schedule. Meet management to agree the plan for the audit. Review key business plans of the company. Understand the current processes for exhibition setup. Review available documentation/artifacts.

2: Conduct interviews. Attend staff meetings, exhibitions’ setup and preparation days.  Develop current state process maps. Confirm understanding of current state with staff. Look, listen, ask, and record findings.

3: Evaluate best practices in the industry. Identify any gaps in the processes of the company (gallery). Request feedback from experts to improve processes.

4: Produce recommendation report. Present recommendations to Stakeholders. Deliver Key Performance Indicators report (to evaluate the success of exhibitions’ set-up activities by staff) , a Corrective actions report, and suggestions of promotion strategies.

Auditing Process and Structure

18 May 2011. Last update 19 Dec 2015.
© Gil Dekel