Lessons in ‘Friendship with God’ Neale Donald Walsch (part ‎‎3)‎

Lessons in ‘Friendship with God’ Neale Donald Walsch (part ‎‎3)‎

By Dr. Gil Dekel.‎ Part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.‎ Page 206‎ The essence of our soul is the essence of God.‎ ‎207‎ Wisdom is knowledge applied.‎ ‎208‎ ‎1.‎ Know God.‎ ‎2.‎ Trust God.‎ ‎3.‎ Love God.‎ ‎210‎ Love solves any condition and any problem.‎ ‎211‎ Love can heal any...
Evolution by choice, not chance (part 4 of 4)

Evolution by choice, not chance (part 4 of 4)

Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: I think you once said that we all volunteered to come to planet earth… Barbara Marx Hubbard: The question I asked was: do you remember having volunteered? Gil:...
Evolution by choice, not chance (part 4 of 4)

Evolution by choice, not chance (part 3 of 4)

Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: You had a spiritual experience in 1966. Barbara Marx Hubbard: Yes, I did. I was asking the universe what story could we tell comparable to the story of the birth of Jesus?...
Evolution by choice, not chance (part 4 of 4)

Evolution by choice, not chance (part 2 of 4)

Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: Do you think that each one of us invents themselves? Barbara Marx Hubbard: I would use the word ‘discover’ rather than ‘invent.’ It seems like everyone has a unique DNA or a...
Evolution by choice, not chance (part 4 of 4)

Evolution by choice, not chance (part 1 of 4)

Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: What is the purpose of being a human-being?… Barbara Marx Hubbard: The purpose of being a human-being is to fulfil the divine potential in each one of us… to express...
The Sharing Network

The Sharing Network

Facilitated by Dr. Gil Dekel and friends.Would you like to get involved?   Feel free to get in touch here. Talk: The 32 Paths of Wisdom – introduction to Jewish Mysticism. 2 May 2024: Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet will cover Kabbalah’s history and theology, focusing...
What does God feel like?

What does God feel like?

We are planning to produce art work (probably a short film) inspired by people’s feelings of God… so, we want to ask you: What does God feel like to you? How do you feel God? In what ways?… Share your stories in the form below, and read other...
Letter to God

Letter to God

If you could write to God, what would you say? what would you ask? Write your letter to God: Your name Write to God: * Can others read your letter? * Yes, publish it No, keep it private Send you reponse and advice about your letter? * Yes, to my emailYes, to my email...
Angel Project – placemark your Angel on google map

Angel Project – placemark your Angel on google map

Have you even seen or felt an angel near you? Was it at home, or maybe during a holiday? You are invited to mark the location on Google map, and add your stories and images that reflect your special moments. Write your story in the ‘comments’ section...
التوحد مع الله – حوار لـ نيلى دونالد والش مع د. جيل ديكل , الجزء الثالث

التوحد مع الله – حوار لـ نيلى دونالد والش مع د. جيل ديكل , الجزء الثالث

ماذا عن “تمثيلية الحياة”؟ الحياة وهم لكننا نعيشها على أنها حقيقة, فيصبح الوهم حقيقة وبالتالى فهى لا تكون وهم على الإطلاق. هذا صحيح. حرية الإرادة إنما هى إختبار ما نسميه وهما وما نسميه حقيقة. أنت صائب تماما… الحياة تبدو حقيقية تماما بالنسبة لى. لكننا...