by Dr. Gil Dekel.
page 9
Beggars are those who do not find truth and joy inside; they may be rich financially yet beggars for emotions. Those who look outside for ‘scraps’ of pleasure, do not realise that joy lies in their heart.
page 10
The concept of ‘Being’ can be felt as a real experience, not just understood as a theory or idea in the mind.
page 12
We are not our thoughts; our thoughts are not who we are. Yet we tend to associate ourselves with our thoughts… This is a common error. To equate our thinking with our Being, is to live in a separation.
Thought are only a small aspect of intelligence. There is vast realm of intelligence beyond thought.
By paying attention to our daily routines we can enter a state of a present ‘Now’.
Many people falsely think that they would ‘cease to exist’ if they stopped thinking for a moment.
Emotions are reflections coming from the body to the mind; they are a kind of a mind within the body.

Author of ‘The Power of Now’, Eckhart Tolle (© Gil Dekel)
Pleasure cannot be found in the outside world. What brings you external pleasure today may bring you sorrow tomorrow. True joy can be found only within. True love is not the duality of joy and pain. Pain cannot come from love.
All cravings and needs are the result of the mind looking for external fulfilment, as a substitute for the lost true joy of Being.
Emotional pain is the main cause for physical pain.
The mind functions in time, therefore it resists the moment of Now. The mind lives in the past and the future. Yet, if there would be no people at all on planet Earth, would the world still have concepts of past and future?
People tend to aggressively defend their points of views, because they identify themselves with their mind. Once people come to dis-identify themselves from the mind, they then can express their feelings and views without a need to defend them.
People are not their possessions, jobs, education, personal and family history, beliefs, or religions they hold. None of these is what people truly are.
In truth, we do not feel, do, think or experience anything outside the Now. All that happens is in the Now moment. Nothing can happen outside it. Yet, we live unaware of this.

We only experience things in the Now. (Artwork: Chakra Art #59 – by Natalie Dekel. Encaustic Wax technique.)
In dangerous situations people tend to shift into a strong presence of Now. Time seems as if it stops. A sense of stillness and alert comes over us. This is why some people enjoy dangerous activities, such as extreme sports. It forces them into the Now, where they can feel free of time, free of any problems, free of thinking and even free of personality.
Suffering needs time. It cannot survive in the Now.
Our mind cannot know life in itself, but only facts and information about life. The mind holds labels, judgments, facts and opinions about life. Only the Being knows life directly.
The mind helps us in the practical aspects of life. However, we can observe the mind. Just observe it as it thinks about the past or the future. Whenever you observe your mind, you are not longer trapped in its past or future. Through self-observation you can move into the present. You are Now. Observe the mind without judging it.
Hold the power of the silent watcher. You can become stronger than any thoughts and feelings.
If you are unhappy, it means that you are not living in the present.
Problems are mind-made issues, and they require time to survive. Problems cannot survive in the actuality of the Now. Focus on the Now, and see if you have any problems at all in the now, right now? The mind loves problems, since problems create identities.
If you create no more pain to yourself, then you create no more pain to others.
When our minds stop in emergency situations, we enter the Now, and something powerful takes over us. The mind has no time to create a problem of this. You survive the situation or you do not – the mind cannot make a problem of either ways.
When we need to react to something in normal situations, we tend to react based on past conditioning. But when we are in the Now and need to react, we react based on present-moment awareness. The reaction becomes clear, incisive and effective.
The deeper-self derives its essence from the Being, not from the external world or other people. Everything is honoured by the deeper-self, yet nothing truly matters. Forms are born and eventually die, yet there is an eternal source underneath the form.
We do not need the past to give us identity, nor the future for fulfilment. We need the Now.
We have the choice to let go and drop things that we do not need. We are not just a bundle of conditioned reflexes; rather we have powers that we can learn to use.
Complaining is an act of not accepting the Now and the ‘Is’. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. If you choose to change something, do it without being negative about it. Drop the negativity, because actions that arise from insight are much more effective than actions arising out of negativity.
If you cannot change your ‘here and now’, then you can accept it. With the surrender and acceptance, your unhappy-self that loves feeling miserable and sorry for itself will no longer survive. Surrender is powerful tool to revive the free-inner-self. You are free inside.
Fear is a mind’s creation of an imagery future. We cannot cope with such future because such future does not exist. It is a mental creation, a phantom.
Prosperity cannot come in the future, as you already have it in the Now. Be grateful for life’s Being. This is true prosperity.

Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now. (Portrait © Gil Dekel)
We do not find ourselves by going to our past, but by coming to the present.
Beyond the beauty of the external forms, there is deep holy essence. It only reveals itself to you when you are present.
There are million of forms and life shapes in the air, sea and land. Individuals die quickly, yet when we realize we are all One, we grasp the essence of God experiencing itself in all forms.
There is always silence underneath the noise. Silence is the stillness of the presence, the consciousness.
Eternity is not an endless-time, but no-time at all. God is not past or future, but “I Am That I Am” – a presence with no time [in Hebrew: אהיה אשר אהיה.]
If you are drawn to an enlighten teacher, it is because there is already enough presence in you to recognize the presence in others. Do not assume that the light is outside you, and that it can come through external forms or people. Identification with forms means ego. It means that only your teacher is an incarnation of God, and so who are you then? Egos are drawn to bigger egos… Use the teacher’s presence to reflect your own. Soon you will realize there is no ‘mine’ or ‘yours’ but One in presence.
» Go to Part 2. » Part 3.
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© Gil Dekel, PhD. 30 March 2011. Images last update 27 March 2016.
‘The power of Now’ published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 2001.
page 9
Beggars are those who do not find truth and joy inside; they may be rich financially yet beggars for emotions. Those who look outside for ‘scraps’ of pleasure, do not realise it lay in their heart.
page 10
The concept of ‘Being’ can be felt as a real experience, not just understood as a theory or idea in the mind.
page 12
We are not our thoughts; our thoughts are not who we are. Yet we tend to associate ourselves with our thoughts… This is a common error. To equate our thinking with our Being, is to live in a separation.
Thought are only a small aspect of intelligence. There is vast realm of intelligence beyond thought.
By paying attention to our daily routines we can enter a state of a present ‘Now’.
Many people falsely think that they would ‘cease to exist’ if they stopped thinking for a moment.
Emotions are reflections coming from the body to the mind; they are a kind of a mind within the body.
Pleasure cannot be found in the outside world. What brings you external pleasure today may bring you sorrow tomorrow. True joy can be found only within. True love is not the duality of joy and pain. Pain cannot come from love.
All cravings and needs are the result of the mind looking for external fulfilment, as a substitute for the lost true joy of Being.
Emotional pain is the main cause for physical pain.
The mind functions in time, therefore it resists the moment of Now. The mind lives in the past and the future. Yet, if there would be no people at all on planet Earth, would the world still have concepts of past and future?
People tend to aggressively defend their points of views, because they identify themselves with their mind. Once people come to dis-identify themselves from the mind, they then can express their feelings and views without a need to defend them.
People are not their possessions, jobs, education, personal and family history, beliefs, or religions they hold. None of these is what people truly are.
In truth, we do not feel, do, think or experience anything outside the Now. All that happens is in the Now moment. Nothing can happen outside it. Yet, we live unaware of this.
In dangerous situations people tend to shift into a strong presence of Now. Time seems as if it stops. A sense of stillness and alert comes over us. This is why some people enjoy dangerous activities, such as extreme sports. It forces them into the Now, where they can feel free of time, free of any problems, free of thinking and even free of personality.
Suffering needs time. It cannot survive in the Now.
Our mind cannot know life in itself, but only facts and information about life. The mind holds labels, judgments, facts and opinions about life. Only the Being knows life directly.
The mind helps us in the practical aspects of life. However, we can observe the mind. Just observe it as it thinks about the past or the future. Whenever you observe your mind, you are not longer trapped in its past or future. Through self-observation you can move into the present. You are Now. Observe the mind without judging it.
Hold the power of the silent watcher. You can become stronger than any thoughts and feelings.
If you are unhappy, it means that you are not living in the present.
Problems are mind-made issues, and they require time to survive. Problems cannot survive in the actuality of the Now. Focus on the Now, and see if you have any problems at all in the now, right now? The mind loves problems, since problems create identities.
If you create no more pain to yourself, then you create no more pain to others.
When our minds stop in emergency situations, we enter the Now, and something powerful takes over us. The mind has no time to create a problem of this. You survive the situation or you do not – the mind cannot make a problem of either ways.
When we need to react to something in normal situations, we tend to react based on past conditioning. But when we are in the Now and need to react, we react based on present-moment awareness. The reaction becomes clear, incisive and effective.
The deeper-self derives its essence from the Being, not from the external world or other people. Everything is honoured by the deeper-self, yet nothing truly matters. Forms are born and eventually die, yet there is an eternal source underneath the form.
We do not need the past to give us identity, nor the future for fulfilment. We need the Now.
We have the choice to let go and drop things that we do not need. We are not just a bundle of conditioned reflexes; rather we have powers that we can learn to use.
Complaining is an act of not accepting the Now and the ‘Is’. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. If you choose to change something, do it without being negative about it. Drop the negativity, because actions that arise from insight are much more effective than actions arising out of negativity.
If you cannot change your ‘here and now’, then you can accept it. With the surrender and acceptance, your unhappy-self that loves feeling miserable and sorry for itself will no longer survive. Surrender is powerful tool to revive the free-inner-self. You are free inside.
Fear is a mind’s creation of an imagery future. We cannot cope with such future because such future does not exist. It is a mental creation, a phantom.
Prosperity cannot come in the future, as you already have it in the Now. Be grateful for life’s Being. This is true prosperity.
We do not find ourselves by going to our past, but by coming to the present.
Beyond the beauty of the external forms, there is deep holy essence. It only reveals itself to you when you are present.
There are million of forms and life shapes in the air, sea and land. Individuals die quickly, yet when we realize we are all One, we grasp the essence of God experiencing itself in all forms.
There is always silence underneath the noise. Silence is the stillness of the presence, the consciousness.
Eternity is not an endless-time, but no-time at all. God is not past or future, but “I Am That I Am” – a presence with no time [in Hebrew: אהיה אשר אהיה.]
If you are drawn to an enlighten teacher, it is because there is already enough presence in you to recognize the presence in others. Do not assume that the light is outside you, and that it can come through external forms or people. Identification with forms means ego. It means that only your teacher is an incarnation of God, and so who are you then? Egos are drawn to bigger egos… Use the teacher’s presence to reflect your own. Soon you will realize there is no ‘mine’ or ‘yours’ but One in presence.
awesome book….amazing how this works as i was practicing the law of attraction…the master key system…ask, believe and receive…this is the now…good one.
There are only a few books which enlightens you like the power of now. I guarantee that the perspective about life will change drastically and you will get tears out of joy having found the treasure.