By Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 28
When you become rich set a portion of your wealth and treat it as if it does not matter – spend, buy, donate money, since it does not matter to do all this. If you hold on to something, you do not experience having it. Only by giving we experience “having” it. Only then we can know that we have. When we hold it, we lose it.
You cannot impose something upon a friend. A true friend will simply love to do what you ask of them. Use your friendships.
1. Know God
2. Trust God
3. Love God
4. Embrace God
5. Use God
6. Help God
7. Thank God.
See God as a friend, not as a father. How would you relate to a friend of yours?
We are able to see God, and to know him, to understand him, to grasp her completely.
We certainly can know God, and can choose Her as our friend.

Portrait of Neale Donald Walsch – © Gil Dekel.
Thinking of God, is having a thought. Thoughts contain previous ideas about God, and God is not found in our previous ideas, but in our present moment experience.
Our mind holds the past. Our mind analyses and remembers.
Mind -remembers.
Body -feels.
Soul – knows God.
Our soul talks through our body. The body provides the experience of here-and-now.
In order to hear our soul, we should listen to our body.
Our soul knows the past, present and future. It knows Who I Am, and Who I seek To Be. It knows God intimately. To know God we need to know our soul. To have friendship with God, we need to become friends with our soul.
Big ego and ‘showing-off’ are behaviours created because people dislike something about themselves. So, people feel they need others to like them so to compensate.
Ego is who we think we are. It is not who we truly are. Confusion is ok – it is the first step towards wisdom…

‘The Light That Heals’ – by Gil Dekel.
In the Absolute World we are All. There is no aspect in which we are not. Absolute is All of us, there is nothing is in-between; there are no degrees of ’absoluteness’. Degrees can exist only in the relative. Thus, in the absolute world we know all things, however we cannot experience them. In the relative world we can experience.
We are Not our past, and not our yesterdays.
Some people may see others as “bad person” yet they would not want the ‘bad’ to change, because they want to continue being the “right” ones. This allows them to justify how they are treating others.
When other people see you as “good” they may want you to stay like that, so they can continue to “depend” on you. This allows them to justify how they expect you to treat them.
Remember the gifts of your past, but decide not to repeat certain behaviours or experiences. Let go of the past, but remember its gifts. You are not your past, merely your past is a gift given to you. You are Who You Are right now.
Every decision we make is not about what to do, but about Who We Are.
All events and experiences are opportunities to decide Who We Are.
We kill each other faster than before with our weapons of mass destruction.
We are no less cruel today than how we were in the past.
We can learn to trust God by realizing that we do not need to trust God…
We have all that we need already, and therefore we do not need anything else. All we need is already here. We do not even need to ask for it.

‘The Breathing of God’ – by Gil Dekel.
The three level of awareness – hope, belief and knowing:
Hoping – Wishing. Not being certain.
Believing – Thinking that we are certain, unless something of the contrary appears.
Knowing – Being clear that a thing is true, even when something of the contrary
appears in our earthy reality.
When we are in a state of Knowing, we then judge not by appearances, because we Know what is so.
We can have intentions, but not expectations or requirements. Then we are not addicted to a particular result and can accept any result. This is the way to peace and Mastery.
The idea is: not to have everything we want, but to want everything we already have…
When things look wrong, they are a sign that there is something huge for you to remember here.
Be grateful for all events. What you are grateful for can then serve you. What you ,resist persists. All of life experiences are a gift for your soul to Be Who You Are..
Addiction – requiring result in order to be happy.
Preference – desiring certain result.
Acceptance – not having a preference at all. This is Mastery. We can have intent, but we do not need to prefer it. With acceptance we tell the universe that alternative outcomes are possible.
As we live it, we tend to call one thing on the physical level, and another thing on the soul level. Thus, see the perfection of any outcomes that happens in your life, since it is what your soul intended.
Masters knows that at some level they chose the outcome that they experience.
So they have no doubt that at some level they are responsible for the result that appears in their life. They never judge, since they put it there. They do not condemn for they chose it. If they do not like it anymore then they can choose to change it. What you condemn, remains. We are all at the perfect place and time.
We need nothing more for our evolution than exactly what we have here and now.
We do not need anything else, thus, we do not need to trust God, as we have it all already. Now that we do not need to trust God, we actually can start trusting truly… because now we do not need a particular result from God; rather we know that any result is at our best.
When we do not need a particular result, we then accept any result as the best for us. When you face a challenge, you can assume that things will go right. When encountering a problem, you automatically understand that it has already been solved, since we create all these outcomes. As the outcomes are the best for us, we do not need anything else. We do not need, since we have the best – then we can truly trust God that gives and will give the best for us.
End of part 1.
Go to part -2. -3. -4. -5.
‘Friendship with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1999.
7 Dec 2014.
© Gil Dekel