By Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 121
What we choose comes to us. In fact, all things exist now because we chose them. What we believe of God, so we will conceive of God. God appears to us in the way that we see Her.
TV commercials are sold at high prices, because they do influence people.
Images teach faster and imprint deeper than words.
Everything we think, say and do, are a form of prayer. And all prayers are always answered.
Unless you acknowledge Who You Are, you cannot acknowledge others for Who They Are. God inspires all of us. God gives wonderful words to many people, and many people do not use or write these words. Many do not sing God’s inspirations to them.
No one is better that the other. When thinking you are better, you start to think that you are right.
Many religious people believe that their way is the one true way, and that other people are wrong. Thus, religious people use fear rather than love. Fear is the last reason God would have us come to Her.
Pure Love never hurts. Any form of Pure Love, to include gay love, is a bliss.
Love is without conditions, thus it asks nothing in return. It requires nothing in order to be expressed. Love is without limitations, thus it does not limit the other person. Love is without need, so it will not hold something that does not-wish to be held.
Love is free. Freedom is God, and love is God expressed.

'The Ocean's Gate' - by Gil Dekel.
Love is self-experience of Oneness with All. All things and all people; a sense of Oneness with more than one person.
1. Know God.
2. Trust God.
3. Love God.
We confuse Love and Need. Need is an imaginary state where we think there is something outside ourselves that we do not have, and must have in order to be happy. We will trade for it. We will trade what we have for what we seek to have. And we will call this “trade” by the name “love”.
We think in such a mistakably way about God as well. We think of a trade: that if we love God, then God will let us into a “Heaven”.
God needs nothing. God does not require a thing from us. God’s love is not conditional. When we realize this we can change our mind about God’s ”conditional” love, and change our mind about who we have to be. We are made in the likeness of God.
God has no need, nor a desire for what we are supposed to do for him, such as love him. We too are without needs. We have happiness within, and we can find it. Then we will see that we do not need anything exterior to us, and we will see that exterior things can never match our inner happiness, nor can they destroy our inner state. We do not see all this because we do not seek to find our happiness within. We seek outside of ourselves. We seek through others, rather than allowing others to experience Who They Are through us.
A Master is one who sees you, re-cognize you, knows you again. Thus, you recognize yourself again.
When you are truly in love, there is only one of you in the room. Love starts as being with another and becomes experience of being One with the Self.
Know God as she is. Trust her. Then Love her.
We receive God’s love only in the way that we give God our love. The same is with people. People can love us as much as they want, but we can receive their love only as “much” as we give them our love. We receive it ‘our’ way.
Loving someone is not the same as needing someone.
Freedom is not something to achieve. It is a fact; it is something that we already have.
We are all free to declare Who We Are, but not to declare who the other person must be. This, love will never do.
The mind makes sense out of all incoming data.

'The Gate of the Self' - by Gil Dekel.
In order to make sense we must have data. With data our mind makes ”conclusions” which is a creative force. Conclusions are creations. Thinking is a creating process. Yet, Being is a state of awareness. We tend to think of problems, instead of Being with a problem. Being leads to the greatest insight.
When thinking of a problem, we then seek to create a solution. Yet, we can simply become aware of the solution that has already been created.
We tend to create by thinking. Yet, Thinking is the slowest method of creation. With thinking we find answers, but very slowly. Our mind must have data to create. Our Being, on the other hand, needs no data at all. Data is an illusion; it is what we make up, rather than what is. We can create from what is, from Being, and not from the mind’s illusions.
We cannot become genius by thinking. We need be out of our mind. A genius person does not create answers, but discovers the answers that have always been there.
All solutions, events, experiences, and understandings – all are here and now already. They are present in our awareness. Yet we cannot “think aware”. We can only “Be aware”.
When we are confused about something, we should not-mind it. We should Be aware of it. When facing a problem – pay it no mind. When you are surrounded with negativity – do not mind it. When you do “mind” it – you obey it, and you are controlled by it. We are Human-Being, not human-minding.
Be. Awareness is Being.
Every moment in life we are “being” of something; being of a particular feeling.
Our feelings tell us what we are now. We can choose to “be” a different experience. The way we feel is a response to the way we are Being. We can change our Being. Being is a state that we place ourselves. It is not a response. Feelings are the response of our Being. Our Being is a choice. We create our reality.
What you are Being give birth to what you are doing.
We live in an illusion, and when we think, we think about the illusion. Thoughts create reality. So if we have created a reality that we do not want anymore, we should not give it a second thought. We can stop thinking and go into Being. First, we need be quiet.
Then focus on your thoughts, see where they go and stop them from going there. Then focus on one thing only.
Our mind tends to focus on a few things all the time. We analyse it faster than the speed of light.
Close your eyes.
Listen to your breath, so not to listen to the outside world. When you listen to the in-breath, you listen to your inspiration.
If your mind is full with thoughts, just watch that. Step back, observe it, do not think it. Step back and notice it. Do not judge it, do not get frustrated. Do not talk to yourself about it.
Bless any thought, and let it pass. Do not dwell on it. It is a part of the journey, a part of the passing parade, so let it pass.
Let thoughts be, and then they will pass.
End of part 2.
Go to part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.
‘Friendship with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1999.
7 Dec 2014.
© Gil Dekel