By Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 206
The essence of our soul is the essence of God.
Wisdom is knowledge applied.
1. Know God.
2. Trust God.
3. Love God.
Love solves any condition and any problem.
Love can heal any person. Our soul is Love. When we love others, we give them back their soul.
If we are here to supposedly “serve” God, then how come the world is in a way where most people do not serve God today… What this would say about God? That he failed?… In truth, we are here to use God’s help. God does not need us to serve Him.
To change a bad thought or a bad dream – think of good things. Think of the beauty of the world.
We use God’s help, by using the tools God gave us.
The tools are:
1. The ability to create
2. The ability to know the truth
3. Love.
We create by thought, word and deed. We have inner wisdom to know the truth, even in times when things may not appear as true. We have love to accept others without conditions.
Accepting others allows them to be themselves, as they are, to be Who They Are, thus this allow you to be Who You Are. There is a divine force – made of Creative Energy, Gentle Wisdom and Pure Love.
The world waits for your creative decisions.
1. Know God
2. Trust God
3. Love God
4. Embrace God
5. Use God
6. Help God.
We do not have words to describe most of the Ultimate World’s reality.

'The Singing Oak Tree Leaves' - By Gil Dekel.
Harmony – Feeling the vibrations of the moment, and accepting them.
Our soul knows that we learn from our life experiences. Any experience can bring us insight that we may use even thirty years later. Yet, our soul knew that, thirty years ago.
Use God as you would ask to use a friend’s help. Help God in a conscious way.
We did not Know God, because we were taught of a different God.
Then, we could not Trust God that we did not know.
We could not Love God that which we did not trust.
We could not Embrace that which we did not love.
We could not Use that which we did not hold.
We could not Help God, for we could not be helpful to which we have no use.
And, we did not Thank God, for we cannot be thankful to that which cannot be helped.
Thinking is the slowest method of creating. We perform all our body’s functions without thinking about it. We create in our Being, which is the place above thought, above superconscious, conscious and subconscious. Being is above all these. And we call this high place supraconscious.
Our thoughts about God do not create God, but create our experience of God.

'Crisp' - by Gil Dekel.
When we think, we do not create The All, since The All already exists. When we think we create an experience of The All; the experience that we choose now.
All of it is already there. We do not place it by thinking about it, rather we place our experience of part of it, the part which we think of.
Our true Being precedes everything. When we think, we reach to our true Being, and we focus on a part of our Total Self that we now wish to experience.
If you are sad, then think positively, and you will “think your way” into being happy.
This is simply a move from one part of your Self to another part. Since we Are All of it – we are the happiness and the sadness. Yet, there is a shortcut. We can move to any state of Being that we wish, and we can call forth any part of our True Being, instantly, by simply knowing that we can do so, and then declare so. What we know of our True Being is what will be so. By declaring it, we make it.
Declaration is a creative act. It is the fastest method of creation. All experiences are right here and now. A true declaration of Who I Am is made without thinking about it. If you think, you will delay it. Thinking takes time, yet Being takes no time.
Thinking may also deny experiences, because thinking about what you choose to be, often may convince you that you are not that experience (and therefore you ‘want’ it).
Masters are out of their mind. They do not consciously think about what they are Being. They simply are it. The moment you think it, you cannot be it. Likewise, we can be in love. We cannot be thinking love, as this means that we do not love. Love is only Being it.
We create with: Thought, Word and Deed. These are the tools of creation. Yet, there is another way to experience life. This is by Being. By Being we do not create, but we become aware to what already is occurring. We become aware to what is, was, and will be.
One way is to create, another way is to be what has been created already.
When we are in love, we do not think it. We are it. The same is with gratitude. You feel grateful, you are being grateful, before you even think about it. It is a state of Being. We need not think it, like we need not think our state of lovefulness.
Thanking God, being grateful for God, is a state of declaring that I know I already have it. Thus, by declaring so, I put it there in my life.
I do not ask God, but thank God. I thank God for what I know is already there. Thus, I declare it there, and I put it there. Since, really, All is already there…
When we Know, we then become totally joyful, loving, accepting, blessing, and grateful.
End of part 3.
Go to part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.
‘Friendship with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1999.
7 Dec 2014.
© Gil Dekel