By Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 262
We should all lighten up a bit regarding life and God. Stop being scared of God.
We grow up the day we have a good laugh at ourselves.
Our soul is joy. Joy is the soul. To be joyful we need to put joy in our mind. Our heart is the corridor between our soul and our mind. The joy in our soul needs to move through our heart and into our mind. Feelings are in our heart. We need to have an open mind for the feelings to enter the mind.
An open mind allows the feelings to be expressed, to move from the heart, to be pushed out from the heart. Then our heart becomes a free-flowing channel of life’s energy.
Like turning a thermostat from cold to hot, we can speed up the vibrations of life’s energy from sadness to joy.
Joy is in us. Yet, it can unfold only when you let it out. You can let it out inside you, by helping another person to feel it. This is simple: with a smile, a compliment, a loving glance, or by making love. These devices can release joy in another person. Release the joy that is inside another person, and you release the joy in you. Do it with a song, a dance, art work, or with holding of hands.
Hold the space of safety for people to be themselves.
The moment you decide to release the joy in the heart of another, you will know how to do so.
Do your true mission in life. When you are not afraid to die, you are not afraid to live. Death does not exist.

'The Water of Heaven' - by Gil Dekel.
God’s joy is to be One with us, and our greatest joy is to know this.
God is always with us. When we call God we merely elevate our awareness of God.
God speaks to us when we have a hunch about something, when we receive an offer to end bad feeling, to cease a conflict, to return the smile of a stranger, to look up at the beauty of the sky, to behold the beauty of the flowers. Yet, when we do not do all these – we turn down God’s call.
God talks to us in that just-the-right book that we happen to read, in just-the-right movie we happened to see. If we think that all these are coincidences, then we turn down God’s invitation.
Experiences of love in our life time, are temporary experiences. But Love itself is eternal. We love only here-and-now that part of love that is actually everywhere-always.
Sex experiences are also temporary and short-lived. Yet, this does not mean that they are meaningless. They are periodical yet joyful. The love between people is forever. It’s expression, like sex, is periodical, temporary, short-lived. Still, this short-lived does not mean it is less.
To be fully loving we should be fully natural.
Punishments teach little. Consequences are a better teacher. Punishments are artificially created outcomes. Consequences are naturally occurring outcomes.
Punishments come from outside, from one person inflicting on another. Consequences come from inside, from one’s own actions, thus they teach us better.
We teach our children that if they do not behave, we withhold our love to them. By giving and withholding our love, we regulate and control our children’s behaviours.
God will not do that.

'The Lines of God' - by Gil Dekel.
Compassion is the expression of love to the other person, in times where they made choices that you think are poor.
Always ask, “What would love do now?” When you ask this question at any situation, you will know instantly what to do. You will be given the answer. You are the answer, and asking brings forth that part of you.
When something happens, say “God bless it”, not “God dammit”. Let God bless it, thus change what you do not like about it. To bless is to give something energies, highest thoughts. To change a “bad” thing, we need to bless it, to give it energies and our best thoughts.
We change nothing by condemning. By condemning we make things repeat. Condemning is judging. We may refuse a thing and choose something else. Yet, we do not need to judge it. A choice to change something does not always have to come out of anger. The more we are angry, the less we are effective in changing things.
We need no anger to justify an end of relationships. We can simply say, “I am complete. This relationship no longer serves me”. Bless all, for all is a gift to you. All people are angels, thus be totally grateful.
To wonder is to produce a wonder.
We have nothing to lose by lifting up a fellow human being, even if they walk all over the same territory, covering the same ground, doing before us what we ourselves wanted to do. Benefits are mutual.
We all seek the truth. If you tell anecdotes just to tell anecdotes, then they will have a limited value. But if you describe experiences in your life in order to share what you have learned from them, then they become invaluable.
Never give up Who You Are.
Where life is hard, people abide the code of: Help Each Other. People who live in the street will help others. Yet, many people who live under a roof, will not help when seeing someone in need.
When you live in the street and just try to keep warm and dry, you do not worry over a phone bill, or a job promotion, or asking what you will do the rest of your life.
Our survival is assured, thus we need not compete or worry about which one of us is ‘better’. We need not destroy others to ensure that we will have enough.
We are all One.
There is enough.
There is nothing that we have to do.
We are all One – live the truth that everyone and everything is an extension of you. Treat all as part of you.
We make stereotypes to justify our treatment of each other.
End of part 4.
Go to part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.
‘Friendship with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1999.
7 Dec 2014.
© Gil Dekel