By Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 369
We are life-evolving, in a constant change. Everything changes, including you. We are the changer and the changed. When you wake up in the morning, ask, ”What is going to change today?” Do not ask, “Will there be a change today?”, since there is a change all the time…
Even by combing our hair we change. The act of combing is to change our hair from one form to another. Each moment we make decisions and changes. Some of our decisions are to change things back the way they were. So we create the illusion of keeping things the way they are. We simply re-create ourselves anew, back to the way we were before.
Spirituality means that all things are part of life. People may argue about religions, but all people agree that Life does exist, and that all things are part of life. We all agree that there is a first cause, which created the universe. What caused the universe to be created? Life did. Life is the first cause.
All governments were created for the same basic reasons: for Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Governments differ from each other on the form, but not on the purpose, which is to guarantee life. This is the same purpose in all governments.
People want God to find solutions, but God’s solution is that We Do Something to Solve Things.
It is beautiful when a child sings, even if half the notes she sings are sung off-key.
Likewise, we sing the song of life many times off-key. Yet, God calls all our song beautiful, like we call all our children’s song beautiful. There are no “sour notes” when we sing. There is only Us, God’s Children, singing our heart out. God sees our beauty in whatever way we “sing”.
The Soul holds beauty even when the mind denies it. Therefore, in life always seek with your soul. Listen with your soul. We do not need to make someone wrong. We can simply change the present reality into a new one, without making the other person wrong. We need not anger nor hate, as the two are not effective.

'Memories of the Hidden Sun' - by Gil Dekel.
The purpose of life is to decide and Be Who I Am. Thus, it is we that decide and tell what is right and wrong. This is not God’s job. It is not God’s job to tell us what is better or worse, what to do and what not to do. We have actually tried this system, and it did not work. We have announced over and over again what we think God’s will is, but that did not help us.
We say that God is against killings, but we kill. We still lie and cheat. We did not change our behaviour, no matter what we claim that God prefers. We act as we wish, and it is us who decide what is good and bad.
Telling half a true is a lie, because we do not reveal the whole data. We do not let others know all that there is to know on a subject, for them to make choices based on all the data.
There is enough. All we need is to share it.
It only seems that there is not enough, but there is. And it seems there is not enough because those who have share only small part of it.
Masters carry the message of God not in order to “do” messaging or to ”change”, but in order to Be Master that lives God’s words. Masters carry the message as Masters, not ‘with-them’ but ‘as-them’. They are the message. This is spirituality in action. Masters live the message.
So, Masters carry a message that can change people hearts, yet Masters live-the-message themselves. Their Mastership is Living the message, and not Telling the message.
Live to benefit others. This will bring intention into your life. Intention is the doing of something deliberately, as you will intent to do things that benefit others.
The one that benefit others cannot be in dis-harmony with them, thus when you benefit others you will be living harmoniously.
The real Master knows that he has no greater knowledge thant the student, only greater memory.
To be aware we first need to remember Who We Are. God helps us to remember. And also we are here to help each other remember. That is our mission in life.

'Sometimes God' - by Gil Dekel.
Awareness is stopping, looking, listening, feeling, and experiencing fully what is happening now. Watch yourself. Then watch yourself watching yourself. Then watch yourself watching-yourself watching-yourself.
Finally, you will see that there is no one watching you watch-yourself. You have become the Unobserved Observer, in full Awareness.
Honesty is saying to yourself and to others what it is which you are aware of.
Then we can take responsibility for any outcome we produce.
Differences and opposite things allow for comparison, thus allow the knowing of Who You Are. Yet, division makes this knowing impossible. We can honour diversity, not honour divisions.
Oneness is not sameness. Oneness is not about being the same, and there is no disappearance of individuality. Oneness still keeps the individuality. At the moment our societies tend to kill everything which is different, in order to stay ‘individual’.
But when we live Oneness we cherish differences, since they allow us to be defined. Then we will stop killing each other. Our sense of survival will be strengthened, not by killing the different person, but by being One of many individuals.
There is only One of us. We cannot fail to survive. We will stop killing each other when we realize that there is no other; We are All One.
Love is patient and kind, not jealous and arrogant. Love does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable, it does not rejoice at the wrong.
A change in our doing is not enough. We tried that but our species is still acting pretty much the same way it was acting thousands years ago. We need to concentrate on Being, less on “doing”.
Invent the future, rather than repeating the past.
End of part 5.
Go to part -1. -2. -3. -4.
‘Friendship with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1999.
7 Dec 2014.
© Gil Dekel