by Gil Dekel, PhD.
Part 1 of 3. Go to part 2. Go to part 3.
A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers:
Pages 3-4
God talks to all people but just a few listen… God does not only talk but communicates. A talk is limited to words, thus God do not communicate only with words. God’s most common form of communication is feelings. Feeling is the language of the soul. If you want to know what’s true for you, look at how you feel about it.

Dr. Gil Dekel
God also communicates through thoughts (images and pictures) and experience. When feelings, thoughts and experience all fail, God then uses words. Words are the least effective way of communicating, since words are most open to misinterpretation. Words are utterances: noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experiences. They are symbols, signs, insignias. Words may help understand something, but experience allows to Know something.
We emphasis too much the Word of God, and too little the experience.
An experience is God’s most powerful message – but this, mostly, is ignored by people.
All people are special. All moments are golden. No person and no one time are more special than another. Some people choose to believe that God communicates in special ways and only with special people. This belief removes the mass of the people from the responsibility of hearing God’s message, much less receiving it. Such people do not have to listen to God, since they have decided that other people hear God for them, and have them to listen to. These people listen to others, and do not have to think at all…
If we receive God’s messages, we then have the responsibility of interpreting them. It is far ‘easier’ to accept the interpretation of others, even others who lived some 2000 years ago, than to seek to interpret the message ourselves…
Scientific discoveries have been made from willingness and ability to not be right.
Our feelings are the highest authoritative source to God.
God is not revealed through outward observation, but through inward experience.
If a revelation is requested by a person, then it cannot be received since the act of asking is a statement that it is not there. Such a statement produces the experience of not having. Our thoughts are creative and our words are productive. Thoughts and words give birth to reality.
An effective prayer is never a supplication, but a prayer of gratitude. Thank God in advance for what you want, and this in effect will acknowledge that it is already there in effect. Gratitude cannot be used as a tool to lie. We cannot thank God for something that we know is not there. We must know that we have it, and be thankful for it.
We can be thankful for something is not there yet – by the help of faith. If we had the faith of a mustard seed, we would move mountains…
All human actions are the outcome of two emotions: fear or love. These are the only two emotions that exist.
God is not a punishing-God. God does not judge, and is not to be feared. We have developed a fear-based love.
We have been taught to live in fear. We learn that the strong survives and that the clever succeed. Little is said to praise the glory of those who love.
The purpose of life is to Be; to be the Glory. Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation. We are not discovering ourselves, but creating ourselves. Seek not to find out Who You Are, but to determine Who You Are.
Life is not a process of schooling; rather it is a process of experiencing our ‘knowingness’. Life is to know experientially what we already know conceptually. We need to learn nothing to do this. We need only to remember what we already know, and act upon it.
The soul knows everything, but seeks the experience. We can know ourselves to be kind, but if we do not do someone kindness, we then have nothing but an idea.
Physicality is the only way to know experientially what is already known conceptually. It is concept turning to an experience. Once in a physical universe, man can experience what man knows – but first man has to come to know the opposite. We cannot know ourselves as tall unless we become aware of short. We experience what we are only when we have encountered what we are Not. This is the purpose of the theory of relativity.
To experience ourselves as the creators we need to create. We can create ourselves only when we un-create ourselves. We first need to ‘not be’ in order to then ‘be’.
But, since we are, living, how can we not be?… By causing ourselves to forget Who We Are. Upon entering the physical universe, we relinquished our remembrance of ourselves.
Do not condemn the bad in the world. Rather, ask what you have judged bad, and what, if any, you wish to change. Inquire within – ‘what part of my self I wish to experience now in the face of this event? What being I choose to call forth?’ Life is a tool of creation. Events are opportunities to decide to become Who We Really Are.
Each soul is a master creating its own life and its own quickest path to remembering. Do not judge, envy, or pity – for you do not know what is success or failure to a soul. Is death a calamity if it saves the lives of thousands? Yet, do not ignore a call for help.
We create as fast as we think. We observe and decide Who We Are with regard to the events. There are no victims or villains.
Masters accept responsibility for all, and then they achieve the power to change part of it. If we believe that someone else is behaving badly to us – we give away our power to do something about it. But when we say ‘I am part of this situation’, we can then find the power to change it. It is easier to change what you are doing, than try to change what others do.
Seek to change a thing not because it is ‘wrong’, but because it no longer makes an accurate description of Who You Are.
Pain is the result of a wrong thinking, an error in thought. Pain in judgment about something. Remove the judgment and pain will disappear.
Judgment is often based on previous experience. What we condemn will condemn us in return. What we judge, we will one day turn into.
There is no hell. There is, however, a state of un-fulfilment of what you are. God does not seek to punish man for failing. God could simply dispose man if He so wished, rather than ‘punish’ man. There is no hell after death.
However, there is an unhappy soul. The soul is unhappy when we separate ourselves from our highest thought. But this will not last forever, as God hold the truth of what we are and the truth will prevail.
We create our selves each moment as we wish. Yet we can only create something once we have a choice, options to choose from. Thus, God will not punish us for making a choice that He himself laid before us. God does not punish man; and yet, there are natural consequences, natural results and logical outcomes to actions we take. There are natural laws.
Our soul wants to realize itself while in the body. ‘There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’ said Shakespeare.
Quiet the outer world so that the inner world might bring you a sign.
All people are One.
A soul that is incarnated in a limited physical body (such as with paralysed people) may have reached its full potential. We do not know and do not understand its agenda and intent, therefore bless every person and condition. There are no accidents or coincidences.
All life arises out of choices. It is not appropriate to interfere with choices, nor condemn them. Watch other people’s choices, but do no judge them. People’s choices are perfect for them. Always be ready to help when they ask for it.
God will not do a thing that we will not do to ourselves.
We will not ‘shall have’ everlasting life – we already have it. We will not ‘shall be’ God – we are already Gods. All that requires is to know this. For we create our reality. We think life into being.
We do not listen to God’s teachers; rather we kill them… We deny God, and do not accept God’s grandest. Thus, we reduce our own spirituality to fear. We fear that God’s promise is a lie.
We can be, do and have whatever we imagine.
Emotion is energy in motion. We move energy around and in that way we create matter. Thought is pure energy. It never ends. It is forever in the universe. All thoughts meet and merge. Energy attracts like-energy. Like-thoughts combine in great amounts, and then they stick together to form matter. This matter exists until opposing forms of energy dismember it. That is the theory behind the atomic-bomb.
Like-minded people can work together to create a favoured reality. Strong thoughts turn energy into matter.
All religions teach not to fear. Fear attracts fear.
– Thought is creative.
– Fear attracts like-energy.
– Love is all there is.
The feeling of love is our experience of God.
Fear is the other end of love. Our physical world is relative. Masters refuse fear and choose love. Love in every instant, in every moment. Physical life holds either love or fear, and so masters decide to choose love at all times even when masters were being killed, they loved their murderers. When persecuted, they loved their oppressors.
All people had experiences in their life indicating that love is the answer. Even reading this summary of CwG book, or reading the actual book – are not coincidences. The book was sent by God, who can hear the cry of people’s heart, and who sees the search of people soul.
God speaks to us simply, not through bells and whistles. God is everywhere, not just in one-way or one-form.
We look for God and may not find Her, since we usually look for a Him.
God is in the profane and in the profound. God is all. God is the up and down, the hot and the cold, the left and right, the reverent and irreverent. God can laugh, can enjoy a good joke (God invented humour). God knows all words, seen all sights, heard all sounds. God despites nothing, since All is life, and life is holy. God is life. God is the stuff life is.
All that exist in life has a purpose and is approved by God. God’s plan for man is that we can create everything we want, even bad things. In such freedom lies the experience of God being God. This is the experience God created us for. God does not love ‘good’ more than ‘bad’. Good and bad both ‘go’ to heaven. If we are not happy with who we are, then we can choose to change our ideas. And if you are happy then fight for your values. Yet, seek to fight without harming others.
We all gained some values that were made for us, and which are not really ‘ours’. We have created ourselves out of experiences of others. When we encounter our actual experience we then put what we think we already know onto the experience, and throw away our own true experience. We re-frame experiences with previous knowledge. Yet, our parents, teachers, and books we learned from – may all be wrong.
We deny our own experience in favour of what we have been told to think. We are taught in some places that money is bad, and we form our thoughts around it. Our thoughts are creative. We have thus created personal reality around money, which pushes money away from us, for we do not want to attract that which we think is not good.
God does not ask for our worship or obedience. Worship was created by insecure, tyrannical monarchs.
God does not need our worship. God does not need a thing, as God is all – All That Is. God lacks nothing, and needs nothing. God is not hurt for not getting something from us, and does not punish people for not giving Him.
End of part 1.
Go to part 2. Go to part 3.
© Gil Dekel. 11 Sep 2011. Updated 21 Jan 2017.
‘Conversations With God’ Book 1, by Neale Donald Walsch, published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1997, ISBN 0 340 69325 8. Conversations with God’s Website. A note on the images chosen for this article: I am aware that reading CwG Book 1 can be a spiritual experience, and I contemplated as to the right images to accompany this summary article. My fear was that my images will propose a specific ‘feeling’ to the text, which may not reflect the readers’ own feelings/impression (even as they read this article alone). I worked hard to create a new series of digital images, reflecting colours and movement, which I hope is abstract enough and open to accompany various emotions.
(Good and bad both ‘go’ to heaven )and then (Yet, seek to fight without harming others.) is harming others is bad ? can you explain it for me please ?
Harming others is bad. It inflicts pain on the other person. Also, if you harm another person you put yourself in a low place spiritually. You put yourself in a place which is below humanity. Harming another, is harming yourself. We are all One. This is not related to where you ‘go’ next (heaven).
What very beautiful common sense. Thank you so much. I love you
Thanks for such a concise summary of the lessons learned:):):)
Thx 🙂
Nothing momumental to comment. Its worderful to be on this web-site. Look forward to being here. live the life you love — love the life you live