Dr. Gil Dekel.
Part 3. Go to part 2. 1.
Page 309
The root of humanity’s problems is in what we believe.
More and more people see that the old beliefs do not work anymore, and seek other ways. These people are becoming a “critical mass”. Critical mass is not so difficult to achieve. It is not a high number of people, but a small percentage, that form sufficient mass to affect the whole. Critical mass can be achieved with less than 5 percent of the population that are moving in one direction.
It takes one domino to make the rest of the dominoes fall. We need a tiny percentage of people who will to become the First Domino. They will first have to see if their own beliefs stand against the result. They will then need to change some beliefs, and only then to stand up for what they believe.
We need to challenge our belief system. We need to have more courage to do so, than any courage needed to go into a war or suffering. Our beliefs form the basis of who we think we are. We must challenge ourselves, our society, our world.
Now is the time for group-actions, for a collective work. Now is not the time to follow an individual master. The whole world is now linked via technology. We have easy instant tools of communication.
Collective-actions in our society are destroying the world, but collective-actions can also save it.
Five Steps to save the world:
1. Acknowledge that some old beliefs about Life and God are no longer working.
2. Acknowledge that there is some more understanding to learn about Life and God.
3. Ask for this new understanding.
4. Explore this new understanding, and if aligned with your inner truth, then accept it, and adjust old beliefs.
5. Will to live a life that demonstrates your beliefs.
These five steps are exciting. There is something we can do. To think that you cannot do a thing means that you will never try. If you never try, you never indeed do. Thus, to think that you cannot, result that you really cannot.
Allow your Doings to flow up from your Being. Do not try to find what to do without changing what you Be. Just doing with no Being – will not do…

Neale Donald Walsch, CwG (© Gil Dekel)
We try to do things in our world for a very long time now, yet our doings did not solve problems. We need to Be. Be something in response to problems. This produces changes. Who you Be will change yourself, thus your Doing will come from your Being. In this way you will change the world.
You cannot create your Being as a reflection of your Doing. It goes the other way around. You first Be something, then your Doings come from it.
You cannot Do peaceful, but Be peaceful.
You cannot do loving, but be loving.
You cannot do unified, but be unified.
First, seek to change your own Being, do not seek to change the whole world at first. Change the Self. And when you change the self, your actions will automatically change. You will change the world by changing yourself. Your Being will produce lasting-doings.
Decide Who You Are, then live it.
Yet do not be upset if the world does not change immediately. If you are angry then it means the outer world affects your inner peace. This means that you did not reach inner peace, as you seek inner peace in the outer word, becoming frustrated with the outer world. Instead, you want to have an inner-peace that steams from your inner world, regardless of the outer world.
Help other people, teach and share, still do not take satisfaction from the outside, but only from the inside. Let go of expectations, remove the thought that your ideas should change other people. Such expectations are based on the belief that your satisfaction should come from the outside world, whereas it should actually come from the inside. If an outside result gives you strength to go on, then lack of such results will frustrate you. Thus, you will defeat yourself.
To come over such frustrations, try to understand why you do whatever you do: you do things for self-realization, so that you can know Who You Are and experience that knowing. This is called ‘evolution’, this is the joy of humanity. Our joy is becoming greater and knowing ourselves as such.
Help other people, as helping announce Who You Are. Do not help in expectations that the other will want your help. Yet indeed as you change – others will be affected and will also change. The world will change. Not because you sought to change it, but because you reached the notion of Not-having to want to change. In any case, you cannot change people simply by telling them to chance. People may temporarily alter their behaviours, because someone who has power over them, told them to. Yet their inner-truth will not change. As soon as the power is removed, people’s behaviour returns to that which is motivated by their inner-truth. Any parent of teenage will tell you that…
A change comes from freedom, not from compliance. Obedience is not creation.
Thus, seek not to change the world, but to BE the change that you wish to SEE in the world. Work to Be something, motivated by your inner state. Then your Being will produce outward Doing that can change the world.
Come from peace; do not try to go to peace. You can play music, sing, meditate - in order to come to peace, however these doings are temporary things. If you come from peace, your life will be an on-going meditation. Put the source in you, not outside of you. You can achieve inner peace at any moment, by simply choosing it and calling it forth. At present we “react” to life, yet we can ”cre-ate” our life.
We tend to wait and see what the moment will bring, and then we responsd to it. Yet, we can decide ahead of time how we are going to be when we will move into the next moment.
Decide to Be peaceful, no matter what the moment brings. Thus, you will feel peace when the moment comes, no matter what the moment brings with it. Master the moment. Decide what to Be before the moment arrives. Decide what to Be, and then the outer world will lose its power over you.
We are human-being. What we Be is what we are. Insist on your Being no matter how the outer world behaves, and slowly you will change the lives around you.
Yet, you cannot insist on Being who you are if you do not know who you are. Thus decide who you are ahead of time.

Neale Donald Walsch (© Gil Dekel)
Decide Who You Are and Be it. This is the fastest way to create the inner-self.
God gave us the power and the authority to claim sovereignty over our own lives.
Some people see the world and ask, “Why?”. Others dream of a better world and ask, “Why Not?”
You never die. You are never condemned.
”Self” is not “my-body” but “all our bodies and soul”. “My Self” consists of me and you and all humans.
Do not try to change behaviours, but to change beliefs, since beliefs sponsor behaviours.
To change the world we need to do only little things – to smile, touch, laugh, forgive, share, cry, hear the cry of another, love, trust, accept, live as One, and dare. All of us are capable of these things. We have all performed these things before.
The New Revelations:
1. God has never stopped communicating directly with people. God communicates with all people, all the time.
2. We all are messengers. No one human is better that another.
3. There are many paths, religions and ways to God. No one is better than the other.
4. God needs nothing from us.
5. God is not a “Super-Being” with human emotions. Thus, God is not insulted or hurt. God never seeks to punish us.
6. All things are a One thing.
7. There is no ‘Right and Wrong’, but ‘What Works and What Does Not Work’.
8. We are not our body. We are limitless and without end.
9. We cannot die. We are never condemned to eternal damnation.
Use the moments in your life to demonstrate your truth, your love and healing. We can live in peace and harmony. We do not have to keep kill each other.
Some people will have to decide to stand up and show the way, to declare With their lives that they are the way. To be the First Domino. This is God’s invitation to you.
All we need now is commitment, caring, daring and sharing.
End of Part 3. Go back to part 2. Part 1.
The New Revelations published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 2003.
13 Jan 2015
© Gil Dekel