Dr. Gil Dekel.
Page 4
The basic message of all sacred scriptures is the same. The difference is how we interpret the message. Different interpretations are not a problem. The problem is making each other wrong for the different opinions, and then killing each other over this.
There are many holy writings, but we act as if there is only one, the one we personally believe in. Humans have caused the most sufferings over ideas about God than over any other idea we have. We turned the source of joy into a source of pain.
People will give up everything – love, health, peace, harmony – just to be right.
Some of our old beliefs about God and Life are not working any more. We need to change them.
All behaviours are created as a result of beliefs system.
Reason exists only in thought. Thought is based on belief. So, to convince a person to act in a certain way, you should offer them a certain belief system that supports that action.
Many people try to bring about change by telling other people what to Do, instead of offering what to Believe in. Problems are solved on the level of Beliefs, not on the level of Behaviours. If you change a belief then the behaviour will change by itself.
We often teach children beliefs as “facts”. It would be better to present beliefs as beliefs, not as “facts”.
Some people do not believe in God, but all people have some beliefs about life. God and Life are the same thing. Life is God, physicalized.
God needs nothing from us.

Neale Donald Walsch (art © Gil Dekel)
Thus, God does not require us to start a war, a crisis, violence, killings – in order to meet a God’s requirement. Killing and violence are never the will of God, as God needs nothing.
Violence cannot be prevented by politics or economic means alone. Politics and economic means can affect conditions, but not change them. To change conditions we must change our beliefs.
We can believe what we want; we can follow any route our soul leads us to. Yet, we need not seek to impose our views on others, since we all have free will, and God would not give people Free Will just so other people will take it away from them.
What do we choose next, to be overwhelmed by hate and fear, or to be overwhelmed by magnificent ideas that can solve hate and fear?
Humility Theology – acknowledging that our religion does not have all the answers. The aim is to continue ask questions.
We experience that which we believe in. If something happens that we do not believe is possible, but it does happens – we will simply deny it.
Even if we look at something, we may not see it, if we do not understand it. What we do not understand, we deny.
The First Revelation – God has never stopped communicating directly with people. God communicates with people and through people, at this moment right now.
God is talking to everyone all the time.

Author Neale Donald Walsch (© Gil Dekel)
Listen to those people who declare themselves to be special and also equal to you. Those who say that they are no-better than you are. On the other hand, if some people declare themselves better than you, holier or saviour – then they separate themselves from others. Yet, if a man or a woman declares themselves to be messengers of God and that you are a messenger as well, then listen to them. Listen to those who see us all as saviours, and holy. These people will not ask you to follow them, but to follow God who lives within you.
The world is a contextual field that helps us experience our inner Divinity. We can find the inner through the outer, but we should not confuse the outer world to be our inner world.
A true Master will never ask you to worship them, or a place or a way. All these are of the outer world. Thus, “if you see The Buddha walking down the street, run away from him”. In other words: if it is obvious that someone is a Buddha from the way people are treating him, and from the way that he allows them to worship him – then he is not true Buddha. A Buddha will never allow people to think of him more special than them.
The Second Revelation – Every human being is as special as every other human being ever lived, lives now, or ever will live.
Third Revelation – No path to God is more direct than any other path. No religion is the “one true religion”. No people are the “chosen people” and no prophet is the “greatest prophet”.
There is no punishment in God’s kingdom, yet there are consequences. After we die, we can have a life-review, which means that we can experience our life again but this time, we experience it through the feelings of the people who were involved. We experience all points of views, and in such way we learn more about ourselves.
Thus we evolve. There is no punishment after death. There is only evolution.
The first function of all organizations is to perpetuate themselves. When an organization fulfils the purpose for which it was set-up, it becomes obsolete; no longer necessary. This is why some organizations will never complete the task they were set-up to achieve, because they seek to continue and exist even if this means that they do not achieve what they are meant to do.
It is a mistake to think that we need to do something in order to get back to God.
God has no ego that requires us to bow down to Her. What kind of God would need something at all?
We are made in the likeness of God. But it seems that we are making God to be in the image and likeness of us…
During any argument, always ask: “What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?” Then listen to the answer. Do not dismiss it just because you do not agree with it. When someone is fighting you, they do so in order to get your attention, to get you listen to them and help them with what is hurting them.
No attackers see themselves as attackers, but as defenders. We do not have to agree with others, yet, a healer is able to understand how the other comes to feel that way. “I can understand how you could feel that way”. This is a powerful sentence. And with such a statement you actually saying to the other: ”You are not alone”.
You say to the other person that they are not the only one to come to that conclusion, given their beliefs, thoughts and experiences. Facing a problem is not difficult; what is difficult is the fear that nobody else understands you. If nobody understands you then finding the solution can seem very difficult. Not being understood leads to depression. On the other hand, the feeling that someone understands you opens a door to discussion. All attacks are seen by the attackers as acts of defence.
There are no “attackers”, only “defenders”.
A new spirituality is needed. Not to replace the old one, but to refresh it, expand it. Not to subvert the old, but to support the best of the old.
End of Part 1. Go to part 2. Part 3.
The New Revelations published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 2003.
13 Jan 2015
© Gil Dekel