If you could write to God, what would you say? what would you ask?

Write your letter to God:


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I have alot to be thankful for thanks to you God. My children and grandchildren are safe. I haven’t written you in a while. PLEASE forgive me. The grandchildren are getting so big and I have been enjoying every bit of it. It’s strange but for the first time in a very very very long time I am feeling peace. It feels so strange. Like I am waiting for the ball to drop. I haven’t felt this in such a long time. There is an auction coming up and I been thinking about getting a secure loan for Jazzy to get a home. That initials me to put a morgage on my house in order to do so. I’m a little scared. I also have been diagnosed with MS .That’s a kicker. But I’m not scared. I’m more worried about the kids. I love you God. Sooooo very much.

Nancy  –  18 September 2024 at 10:33 pm.


Dear God

I am still waiting for miracles now. My birthday is this coming Monday
September16th. At the time last year, I was my birthday and still no miracles yet at all. I still have Keratoconus and have it now for over 18 years now.
I have blured vision left eye. I can’t see left eye. I need miracle enow to see left eye and normal vision both eyes now. I need to be cured and miracle now
Keratoconus left eye now. I need miracle and to be cured now also of my
learning and developmental disabilties. I am going to be 49 years old now.
I have learning and developmental disabillties my whole life now. I need
to be cured and miracle now no more learning and developmental disabilties.
I need miracle now also to have a one bedroom apartment and be indepedent and do things on my own. I need miracles now and pray to God now for miracles now and still waiting for miracles now. I would like to be cured now of
Keratoconus. I would like to be cured now of my learning and developmental disabillties now. I would like to have miracle now to have a my own apartment now one bedroom. My birthday is on Monday and going to be 49 years old now and still haven’t received miracles now at all.

Brian Puttlitz  –  14 September 2024 at 3:57 pm.


Dear God anxiety is a real thing. It’s an overwhelming feeling of being incompetent and full of fear of doomsday. Please guild me to continue to do right. Please don’t let me or our children to be tempted by evil. I love you GOD. I KNOW YOU EXSIST. I BELIEVE.

Nancy  –  18 August 2024 at 11:41 pm.


Dear God

Need prays, healing and miracle now God. God, heal me now and heal me of my learning and developmental disabillites. God, heal me now of my learning and developmental disabillites. I need to be healed now. I am waiting for miracle and healing now God. Pray for me now and I need healing and miracles now God Amen. I am not young and 48 years old. I have Keratoconsu for 8 years now. I have learning and developmental disabillites for 48 years now.
I need healing and miracles now God Amen. Brian Puttlitz

  –  18 May 2024 at 10:49 pm.


Peace ,love and happiness. The ability to live and let live. The removal of hate ,anger, violence and faulse judgement. The ability to forgive, free from prejudice, free from jealousy, free from regret and negativity. Peace of mind, with no anxiety. Always able to love and be loved . God these are the gifts I pray you are able to bestow our child, grandchildren and all that comes after whom you see is deserving. Please lord break the curse that followed our family through generations. Allowing them to emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, and intellectually grow. I love you God . God you have been my main provider, and only father growing up. I don’t know your true physical existence. If there is one. Only what has been told to me. What I do know is that you do exist. That I love you. I believe in your strength and love. My hope is that we all are deserving of that love.

Nancy  –  18 May 2024 at 2:45 pm.


I have been feeling inadequate due to my inability to be as active as I use to be. In addition I have extreme anxiety with the feeling of doomsday. Sounds crazy yet overwhelming sad. I worry every day about jj and jazzy. I prey for their safety and happiness. Especially when they seem so sad at times. They r under so much pressure. Forget me God please focus on them. They don’t tell me everything. Actually they tell me nothing. Yet their pain is all over their faces. A mother knows. Being their father they will need you always.

Nancy  –  5 May 2024 at 3:57 pm.


Dear God

I am still waiting for miracles now God. I need miracle now left eye to see now. I have Keratoconus left eye 18 years now. I have blured vision left eye. I need miracle now left eye. I need miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillies anymore. I am 48 years old. I have disabillites my whole life now God. I am disabed. Need miracles now and waiting God.

  –  29 September 2023 at 6:40 pm.


Dear God

Tomorrow is my birthday Saturday. I am going to be 48 years old tomorrow.
I need miracles now to happen god. I am waiting for miracle now. I need miracle now left eye Keratoconus. I have blured vision left eye. I cant’s see left eye. I have Keratoconus 18 years now. I need miracle now now. I need miracle now learning and developmental disabilities now. I am disabed. I’ve had learning and developmental disabilities my whole life now. I need miracles now God no more eye problems. I need miracle now no more learning and developmental disabilities Amen. Keep my eyes on you now and I am waiting for miracle now Amen.

  –  15 September 2023 at 6:22 pm.


Dear God

I am pushing for a miracle to happen, and I know I need you to make it happen for me. Keep my eyes on you and quiet my soul as I am waiting for miracle.
Please God, I trust you will do the best thing for my life. And so I know that you will not withhold this blessing from me Amen

I need cure and miracle now God for my left eye. I have Keratoconus for 17 years now. I can’t see in my left eye. I have blured vision. I need cure and miracle now for my left eye. I need cure and miracle now for my learning and developmental disablites. I am 47 years old. I’ve had disablites my whole life now. I am going to be 48 years old next month September. I need cure and miracle now God for my learning and developmental disablites. I need cure and miracle now for my left eye Keratoconus and to see left eye Amen.

  –  11 August 2023 at 6:21 pm.


Dear God Thank You, Thank You, our beloved father ,our savior, our protector and our salvation. I love you, We love ❤️ you. Always

Nancy  –  1 May 2023 at 3:26 am.


Dear God Thank You. For Everything including dying in order to save us. This day we remember you. I will forever be your servant. We love ❤️ u Loard. AMEN

Nancy  –  10 April 2023 at 2:40 am.


Thank you I know you herd my preys. What happened today confirmed that. You showed your love. Please allow me to show my appreciation. I am your servant. Thank You Lord . PLEASE continue to protect our son .I love you God.

Nancy  –  30 March 2023 at 1:23 am.