Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch.
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“Water of life” – By Gil Dekel.
Glories Awaiting.
This is the most extraordinary time to be alive in the history of this planet.
Do you know that?
I said, this is the most extraordinary time to be alive in the history of this planet.
And you are here, alive, now, not by accident.
Do you know that?
I said, you are here, alive, now, not by accident.
What are you doing here? Do you have any idea? Yes, you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this. And that’s the best news this planet has had in a very long time.
Wow, grab hold of that. Hear that thought, and grab hold of it. You are the best news this planet has had in a very long time.
You’re good news because you are about to change this planet in very important ways. And the planet needs changing now, in important ways, more than it has in a very long time. In fact, if those changes don’t take place now, in the nearness of our short-term future, our long-term future may not be assured.
I am sure that I do not have to tell you that life as we once knew it no longer “is” on our earth. And life as we will know it “is” not yet. So we are living the In Between Time—what social scientist Jean Houston calls “the time of the parenthesis.” We are no longer one thing, and we are not yet the other.
This is the most wonderful and exciting time to be alive, because this is time Time of Pure Creation. There is no other time like it, and such a time comes along only once every several hundred years. In fact, it would be argued without much refutation that the kinds of changes we are going through now come along only once every several thousand years. And, to be totally accurate, we have never had a time like this on the earth—because the changes we are now about to make could not have been made before.
We are entering not only a new era, but a new experience—one never before known by our species. This is the Time of the Enlightenment. There are glories awaiting. Glories we could not even have dreamt of just a few decades ago.
Those who come after us will live these changes—but we will create them! And THAT is the wonder of this moment. For this moment holds for us the chance to experience ourselves as few humans have ever experienced themselves across the span of Time.
We are going to experience ourselves as the Changers and the Changed. Indeed, we are doing so right now. And so the question before us now is not, will there be massive change? The question is, what will be the nature of that change? And….what role will you play in creating it?
Now, as exciting as all this is, there’s one condition; there’s one catch. You’ve got to decide now.
The questions won’t wait
The thing is, these questions won’t wait. They are going to be answered, because the rush of events and the speeding up of time is going to require that they be answered. They are going to be answered by decision or by default.
Which one is up to you.
Years ago the questions would wait. In the time of my great-grandfather, change occurred very slowly. In fact, my great-grandfather lived his entire life without seeing even one of the major underpinning thoughts in his belief system challenged in any serious way. Things were they way they were, and they pretty much stayed that way.
In the time of my grandfather, the speed of change had increased to a crawl. He could live 50 to 60 years of his life without seeing any of the major underpinning thoughts in his belief system challenged.
For my father, that time was dramatically shortened. Cut in half, in fact. He could not live through 30 years of his life without seeing the major underpinning thoughts in his belief system challenged.
In my lifetime (and I am 61 years old at this writing), the speed of change has increased again, cut by more than half. I have not been able to get though 10 years of my life without seeing my major assumptions challenged and overturned.
My children have witnessed the rate of change increase expo- nentially yet again. They have not been able to move through more than 2 or 3 years over the past two decades without seeing everything they thought they knew about how things are challenged, and in some cases completely dismantled.
Now, as we move into the second half of the first decade of this New Millennium, the rate of change has reached dizzying speeds, like a downhill roller coaster. Science, medicine, technology, philosophy, even theology—that slowest of all tortoises—bring us new mental and physical constructions, new realities, every year, sometimes every month.
What we thought we knew for a fact just a breath ago now cannot be counted on. There is no reliable past data anymore. We don’t even have the luxury of seeing where the changes that are occurring are taking us, because the Changers and the Changed have become one. This means we have to decide, now, not only Who We Are, but Who We Choose to Be, both individually, and as a species.
We need to decide Right Now.
Copyright © 2005 Neale Donald Walsch. Published here by Gil Dekel with Neale’s permission. 30 December 2016.
Published in 2005 by Spiritual Legacies, Ashland, OR, USA. All rights reserved.
Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. >Afterword. >Books That Have Inspired Me.