Storm, tree, ocean photo

By Neale Donald Walsch.

Question #1–One person’s thoughts

Dear and gentle people…

As I offer these responses to the Seven Simple Questions I also want to model how I hope you’ll begin offering your answers. And remember these answers are only my answers. I’m pretty clear there are no “appropriate” or “right” answers to these questions, or responses that fit everyone. I can only share with you what I feel my soul saying to me.

The complete book. Published with permission from Neale.

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Question #1

How is it possible for 6.9 billion people to all want the same thing—peace, happiness, abundance, opportunity, safety, security, and love—and be singularly unable to get it?

Some people have said this situation exists because not all people do want the same thing. They’ve suggested that some people want revenge, or violence, or “their way” at all cost, and so forth.

I disagree with this. I believe that at the heart of every person, every person is wonderful. I believe that at the core of every human, every human desires not to hurt anyone else, ever, but that they sometimes do so anyway, out of a thought that they can’t have peace, happiness, abundance, opportunity, safety, security, and love.

They want all of these things just the way all of us do, but they feel that life, or some condition in life, is not allowing them to have them. So they become…how to put it…

fighting mad.

This does not justify or condone actions that harm or destroy—but it does explain them. I believe that people who get fighting mad could be asked a single question that might diffuse their anger, and the violent eruptions that too often spring from it.

Here’s the question: “What hurts you so bad that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?”

The power of this question is striking.

It is not true that some human beings are just “naturally evil.” Conversations with God made this very clear to me. One of the dialogue’s most compelling announcements was this: “No one does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.

How is it possible that an entire world full of people cannot get what they collectively insist they want? Simple. Their model of the world does not allow it.

I hate to keep harping on this, but the point must be made indelibly: The global population continues to embrace an ancient Cultural Story, a story based in primitive misunderstandings about life and God and who we are and what is “so” on this earth.

The majority of people have refused to let go of this story even though it has been proven to be not only ineffective, but actually self-destructive, as humanity has struggled for millennia to find a way to live in peace and harmony.

The world’s people, having hung on to this old story tenaciously, believe and experience that there is so much more they need in order to be happy. The point is made later in this conversation that there is enough of everything we need for all of us on the planet to be truly happy—all we have to do is find a way to share it. And what could cause us to share it would not be a new social system, but a new belief system.



* At the heart of every person, every person is wonderful.

* No one does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.

* The reason that humanity cannot produce what it says it so desperately wants — peace, prosperity, security, goodwill, love, joy, fulfillment, and harmony — is because humanity’s model of the world precludes it.

* The majority of people have refused to let go of this model even though it has proven to be not only ineffective, but actually self-destructive.

* What is needed now is not a new social system, but a new belief system; that is, a new Cultural Story


* On a sheet of paper, place the names of five people of your direct acquaintance that you have come to “not like so much” in your life. For each of these five people, write down five things that prove the statement that “every person is wonderful” at their core.

* Actually do the above little exercise. It will make you feel incredible by allowing you to notice how much of what is really good in another you are actually be able to see an acknowledge once you get your judgment even just a little out of the way.

8 Nov 2015.
© Neale Donald Walsch.

Prepared for publication by Dr. Gil Dekel . Book published with permission from Neale Donald Walsch .

The Storm Before the Calm: Book 1 in the Conversations with Humanity Series – by Neale Donald Walsch. Paperback published 1 October 2011, Emnin Books, Oregon, USA; ISBN-13: 978-1401936921