Emmanuel Dagher Interview with Natalie Dekel, MPhil (part 1 of 2)
Part 1. Go to Part 2.
Natalie Dekel: can you please describe yourself briefly; where you are coming from in terms of what you do?
Emmanuel Dagher: The way I see it, defining myself is less about what I do and more about who I am choosing to be. Often, people have a need to give everyone and everything title and name, neatly categorizing everything into boxes. Different people call me by different titles: spiritual guide, humanitarian, personal transformation specialist, sound alchemist, healer, teacher… Each person defines me the way they have benefited from my service to them.
Personally I think who I am is not about the title; for me it’s about how I’m showing up. Am I showing up from a place of love and compassion or am I showing up from a place of separation and fear?
Since I was a really young child going through all of the experiences that have happened to me, I made a decision early on that I will focus on love and I am here to be in a space of compassion.
Compassion and love are not necessarily always rainbows and butterflies but they can be firm, they can be solid – but the key thing here is that they are solid and unwavering. So for me, what I do is not necessarily who I am…or I should say, it’s not about doing; it’s more about who I am being. I’m choosing to be love and compassion and if that’s going to give me the title of healer, teacher, miracle worker, whatever… then great. As long as all that I do and say is about me being all of that which is love then that’s enough for me.
Natalie: What are the core beliefs that guide you in being what you are now?
Emmanuel: The key core belief is anything that promotes love. For example, kindness; doing unto others as you would want them to do for you; gratitude, showing appreciation; being that unwavering presence of love, of compassion, of joy, of not letting circumstances decide all those things for me but me deciding that I am those things outside of my circumstances. So I say all those are my driving forces.
If I had to use one thing, it would be just choosing Love; just choosing to embody love as often as I can – and it’s not always the easiest thing because of course the mind likes to create stories and experiences that would have us really going into that survival mind.
However, just being gentle with ourselves while going through that process and then coming back to love, is really what it’s all about at the end of the day.
Can you please explain how the system of healing that you are using actually works?
The first part of working with any form of energy, whether you are working with sound healing or life coaching or energy healing, the first ingredient is all about embodying compassion. When I say ‘compassion’ I’m not talking about sympathy and feeling sorry for someone. A lot of people who are into holistic fields and the holistic arts tend to be very empathic, very sensitive to energy; so what happens then is that when we are in difficult or emotional situation we don’t have the tools to look beyond the story and see the true essence of the person, we’re not ready to be a healer.
When we are feeling sorry for someone or something – I don’t know about you, but I know that in my experience, I used to be the friend that everyone would unload their issues, their problems on. People call it ‘venting.’ So every time I would show up, they would see me as almost like…the way that I felt was like a garbage disposal or a dumpster where everyone just dumps what they want; I usually ended up feeling horrible and bad about them experiencing what they’re feeling and they feel better because they’ve unloaded. They have someone they’ve literally unloaded on.
When I recognized that pattern of myself allowing the situation to be that way, that’s when I said enough is enough.
So first I had to understand what compassion was and really befriend it and study it and internalize it and then integrate it into my reality.
Compassion has nothing to do with feeling sorry for someone because when we are sympathizing, we are lowering our vibration to match that which surrounds us. It could be a person, place or experience. When we are in compassion, we can hear the story, we can be loving, but we are not engaging or buying into the illusion of fear, separation, victim consciousness.
So the first key ingredient to being a true healing presence not only in your life but in the life of others is to make a conscious decision to be the compassionate presence; to truly look beyond the story, the illusion.
Doing the work that I do, I receive hundreds of messages every single day from people telling me their story and sharing the entire struggle and the pain. If I wasn’t coming from a place of compassion and choosing to be in compassion, that would drain me. I don’t even know if I could be in this type of work because people are still very much in that survival mentality and to get them out of it is to be that compassionate presence. You don’t even have to tell them to get out of it; you don’t have to do anything. All you have to do is just hold that space.
That’s step one, to really embody the quality of being that compassionate presence in their life.

‘I Love You’ (photo by Gil Dekel)
The actual modality that I use is called core energy therapy, which allows us to use applied quantum physics to connect with what we can call the zero point field, the infinite base of possibility, the source energy, creator, God, whatever you want to call it. It’s just that pure, neutral, no good or bad, no right or wrong; there just is.
There are many different ways to get into that space – there’s meditation, healing, prayer, and many others. The way that I do it is a combination that I like to call core energy therapy. From this space we are able to release the patterns and blocks that we have outgrown and then align with more expansive ways of living and experiencing in our lives.
It can all be done on a conscious and subconscious level because everything is energy and everything is a projection of the mind; so the question that will then arise is -are we choosing to operate from the higher mind, from the connected part of the mind or are we choosing to operate from the survival part of the mind?
This modality allows us to transcend the survival part and to get into the true aspect of the higher mind which works harmoniously together with our spirit where the intuition communicates through us. From that point of neutrality we’re able to release and let go of all that we no longer need and bring in the new energies that we’re ready to step into.
I’m also very cognitive of the power of two or more gathered together so when two or more have that intention, then miracles are going to happen; the healings are going to happen – the effect of our intention and its materialization then are magnified. So not only we are working with the core energy but we’re also working with two or more gathered with the intention that miracles, healings, transformation and insight expansion will occur when two or more agree on that.
That’s the threefold part of my healing processes. First, making sure which space am I operating from- is it from true compassion or am I going to feel sorry for someone? Sometimes what you hear the person is going to say, you may not be prepared for if you haven’t gotten into that space of compassion so that’s step one. Step two is the core energy therapy and step three is the two or more gathered.
How do you manage to connect to people when you work with them?
The question should be: how can I not connect with them? Because I believe that because we are all energy, we are all already connected and when we are choosing to be in that space of Love, then we connect with each other even more. So getting into that space of compassion and love instantly connects you to whoever you are choosing to align with and be around and support, and hopefully witness miracles and transformation with.
How do I manage to connect with people when I work with them? By choosing to be and embody love and compassion. That immediately creates that unity field consciousness instead of the separation which the mind likes to create just to make itself feel unique and individualized. The truth is- there’s no such thing as separation.
Part 1. Go to Part 2.
3 Feb 2015.
Exclusive publishing rights © Natalie and Gil Dekel. Illustration of Emmanuel © Natalie Dekel. Interview conducted via emails and voice-recording correspondences 27 Dec 2014 – 28 Jan 2015. Emmanuel is based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Natalie is based in Southampton, UK. Emmanuel’s website: EmmanuelDagher.com