by Gil Dekel, PhD. Back to part 1. This is Part 2 of 3. Go to part 3. A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers: Pages 66-67 Hold on to values that serve you. Look which values bring the highest you. Examine them. Tell the world. If you can...
by Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 1 of 3. Go to part 2. Go to part 3. A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers: Pages 3-4 God talks to all people but just a few listen… God does not only talk but communicates. A talk is limited to words, thus God do not...
By Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 2. Back to part 1. Page 64 In the ‘peace room’, just like the war room, we would map breakthrough and innovations that are working on this planet. The peace room will monitor every trouble spot on the earth and will link it with working...
By Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 1. Go to 2. The ideas of futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard (born 1929) are expressed in Neale Donald Walsch’s book, following his extensive research into her life-long journals, as well as in-depth interviews he conducted with her (sold separately...
by Gil Dekel. Could we find spiritual messengers today? Can prophets live amongst us, or are they saved to biblical times alone?… Neale Donald Walsch seems to answer these questions, with his internationally acclaimed ‘Conversations with God’ (CwG) books series...
Gil Dekel: Baie mense lees jou boeke en gaan doen dan iets positiefs … mense sit nie eenvoudig net die boeke terug op die rak nie. Hoe voel dit om ‘n man te wees wat miljoene inspireer tot aksie? Neale Donald Walsch: Ek voel nie dat ek dit gedoen het nie,...
Have you even seen or felt an angel near you? Was it at home, or maybe during a holiday? You are invited to mark the location on Google map, and add your stories and images that reflect your special moments. Write your story in the ‘comments’ section...
ماذا عن “تمثيلية الحياة”؟ الحياة وهم لكننا نعيشها على أنها حقيقة, فيصبح الوهم حقيقة وبالتالى فهى لا تكون وهم على الإطلاق. هذا صحيح. حرية الإرادة إنما هى إختبار ما نسميه وهما وما نسميه حقيقة. أنت صائب تماما… الحياة تبدو حقيقية تماما بالنسبة لى. لكننا...
إذا نظرنا إلى الروح وإلى اللذين يختارون الالم أو العنف – هل تفهم الروح الألم الجسدى ؟ هل تفهم إحساس الجسد بالألم ؟ أعتقد أن الروح تفهم كل شىء. الروح تفهم مختلف جوانب التجربة البشرية. إنها لا تشعر بالألم لكنها تعرف كيف يكون. مثال ذلك أن تشاهد فيلم فترى مشهدا عنيفا على...
جيل: كثير من البشر بعد قراءة كتبك يذهبون ويفعلون شيئا أيجابيا… إنهم لا يعيدون الكتاب إلى الرف فحسب. ما شعورك وأنت تلهم الملايين وتحثهم على الفعل ؟ نيلى: لا أشعر أننى فعلت ذلك, أشعر أنه بفعل الله… لست أتواضع أو أحاول تقديم نفسى فى شكل بسيط مصطنع بل أعنى...
חזור לחלק 1… גיל דקל: אם נסתכל מנקודת מבטה של הנשמה הבוחרת בכאב או אלימות – האם הנשמה יודעת מה משמעות הכאב? האם היא יכולה להבין איך זה לסבול מכאב? ניל דונאלד וולש: אני חושב שהנשמה מבינה הכול. הנשמה מבינה כל היבט של החוויה האנושית. היא אינה מרגישה כאב אך היא...
גיל דקל: אנשים רבים קוראים את ספריך ואחר כך יוצאים ועושים משהו חיובי… הם לא מחזירים את הספר למדף אלא עושים משהו. איך ההרגשה להיות מישהו שנותן השראה למיליונים לפעול? ניל דונאלד וולש: אינני מרגיש שזה משהו שאני עושה, אני מרגיש שאלוהים עושה זאת… אינני מנסה...
by Gil Dekel. page 138 Most men are captured in the thinking-mind, and most women are captured in the pain-body. In both cases it is a grip of the mind. 140 The present is more powerful than the past. The past (and what other people did to you in the past) cannot...
by Gil Dekel. page 97 Listen with your whole body. If you read a book, then read it with your whole body. Always be connected to your inner body, no matter what shape you see in the outer world. Experience the outer world with your inner world. Keep your attention on...
by Dr. Gil Dekel. page 9 Beggars are those who do not find truth and joy inside; they may be rich financially yet beggars for emotions. Those who look outside for ‘scraps’ of pleasure, do not realise that joy lies in their heart. page 10 The concept of ‘Being’ can be...
by Gil Dekel. Visionary, architect, and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) provides practical advice to developing a higher sensitivity to life. Forward to the 1969 edition, by A.C.H. Drugs provide experiences but not perception. When using drugs the logic is...
by Gil Dekel, PhD. The Synergy Engine (SE) is an idea that Barbara Marx Hubbard came up with: a place on the internet where people would post their best ideas, their best insights and specific information that they have about programs and projects that are already...
by Dr. Gil Dekel. A short overview of lessons learned from Chopra’s DVD film (directed by Ron Frank, 2006; published by Anchor Bay Entertainment, UK, 2008): Are we here by accident, or perhaps there is a divine creator? Today we are living in an age of doubts where...
This little book illustrates the five ‘steps’ that you can take in the task of bringing the light, and how they correspond with the five ‘principles’ by which reality operates. Summarised, with page numbers, by Gil Dekel, PhD. (Book published by Millennium Legacies...
« Back to part 2… « Back to part 1… Gil: What about the drama of life? It is an illusion, yet we live within it to the extend that it becomes true to us; the illusion becomes a reality. In that respect it is not illusion at all… Neale: That’s...
« Back to part 1… Gil: If we look at the level of the soul who chooses pain or violence – can the soul know what pain means to the physical body? Can it understand what it is like to be in pain? Neale: I think the soul understands everything. The soul...
Gil Dekel: Many people read your books and then go and do something positive… people don’t just put the books back on the shelf. How does it feel to be a man who inspire millions into action? Neale Donald Walsch: I don’t feel that I have done that, I feel that...