By Dr. Gil Dekel. pages 342 (in the printed book) We are able to give to relationships everything we wish to receive from them. 343 Love and freedom are the same thing. To love is to grant freedom to your beloved. Free means Free to do everything. There is no...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. pages 328-329 (in the printed book) Relationships between people are not designed to help people find joy and happiness, but to create joy and happiness. To create completion, and fulfilment. This is part 12. Go to part >1 >2 >3 ...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 302 (in the printed book) Asking our children to memorize facts in schools is like asking them to re-create the past. Yet, if we invite a child to explore concepts and ideas – such as fairness, tolerance, honesty – we then invite them to...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 263 (in the printed book) Soon people will not just know themselves to be One with everything, but they will also feel this unity. The unity of all things will be experienced. This will change many things in life. For example, people will no...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 223 (in the printed book) All of Life is holy. All in Life leads us to our Truth, even those events/things that we disagree with. Thus, judge not, and do not condemn a thing. Even those things that you disagree with are helping you. Such things...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 199 (in the printed book) Question are more important than answers. Answers are not always creative. As soon as you think you have an answer, you stop creating. Answers can kill creation. Wisdom – having the right question, not the right...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 166 (in the printed book) We have all arrived at the world to save it from its own mistaken notion of itself; from the forgetfulness of Who We Really Are. You are the hope of humanity This is part 7. Go to part >1 >2 >3 >4 ...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 137 (in the printed book) The very act of expecting to be something, prevents us from being it… To expect something is to feel that we are not now experiencing it. Either we experience something, or we are expecting it. We cannot do both...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. 96 Right now our instincts are telling us that we are destroying the planet, and that we need to change our actions – yet, we tend to ignore this knowledge; we tend to continue destroy the world. This is part 5. Go to part >1 >2 ...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 67 (in the printed book) Life is God. It has no shape, no form, no gender, no colour, no fragrance, no size. It is all shapes, all forms, all colours, sizes, genders, genderless… It is All, Everything, including the No-Thing from which...
By Dr. Gil Dekel page 51 (in the printed book) Creating is fun. 52 Become self-aware; aware that you have consciousness. Look at the mirror and ask yourself ‘Who?’ with a long oooo. Do it the next 100 times you look at yourself in the mirror. This is part 3....
By Dr. Gil Dekel page 41 (in the printed book) The Universe is perfect, and it has no agenda. If people have an agenda, the Universe provides them with all the tools to act and change and achieve their agenda. The Universe empowers humans to evolve, but it will...
By Dr. Gil Dekel page vii (in the printed book) This book contains old wisdom that we have forgotten. page x You will find something new in this book – a New You, and a way to create a New World… This is part 1. Go to part >1 >2 >3 ...
by Dr. Gil Dekel. I have developed the Streaming Knowledge method (SKM) on the teachings of Dr. Amikam Marbach, Carl Jung and other scholars. The method helps people generate ideas, make effective literature search and write articles (or produce...
by artists Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel. The inspiration behind these art works came from the Chakras. Chakras are centres in the human body that regulate the flow of the Chi energy. There are 7 main Chakras as well as thousands more that are less known. The...
By Gil and Natalie Dekel. The Hebrew language is one of the oldest languages remaining. It has been untouched for thousands of years as followers of the Jewish tradition consider it sacred. According to the Kabala (Jewish mysticism) God has created the world with a...
Dr. Gil Dekel “This 20- minute lecture by Dr. Gil Dekel is worth a listen. The feeling at the end is, “How awesome creativity is!” What is the artist really saying in each and every painting? Dr. Dekel tells us.” – Mary Gwyn Bowen, nurse and art...
You can use these Free images for your commercial or personal work. Download images from this page for use in your print or online work, whether you need background for your website, or images for your print manuals or publications. We ask that you link back to this...
Dr. Gil Dekel. The Knowing Tools™ were designed to help you become aware of intuitive knowledge and information which already ‘exist’ in you. The tools will help you use your inner-knowledge to enhance your creativity, write articles, or develop art and design...
Hello, I am Natalie, a visual artist using few techniques, and offering spiritual intuitive readings (advice) to clients, using art. Contact me, here. More details, see bottom of this page. I have a few styles/themes: Encaustic Wax I have been given a set of...
Developed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Art activities (about 1 hour and a half) for children age 5 to 12 (you can adapt it to any age), based on the story of Passover. Free PDFs downloads: Templates/prints-outs for the art activities. Word-Search game PDF. All arts drawings you...