Working with Encaustic wax paintings: I See What I Believe.

Working with Encaustic wax paintings: I See What I Believe.

By Natalie Dekel. The following paintings were created using coloured-wax applied with heated iron onto glossy cards. This technique is called encaustic wax. The technique involves the application of coloured wax onto a heated iron, which causes the wax to melt. When...
How Do I Close My Eyes To See?

How Do I Close My Eyes To See?

By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...
The process of drawing past-lives and guided portraits

The process of drawing past-lives and guided portraits

By Natalie Dekel. Psychic portraits can help people see their past-lives, their loved ones and their Spiritual Guides. I would like to share with you the process of inspiration behind the psychic paintings that I produce. I have been painting from a very young age,...
Spirit Guides and Psychic Readings, with Natalie Dekel (MPhil)

Spirit Guides and Psychic Readings, with Natalie Dekel (MPhil)

Are you looking for Intuitive Counselling, Psychic Guidance, or Chakra Reading? “There is nothing in the world that you cannot ask. Ask, and listen to the guidance that we bring you, as it will help you see the truth in you, and learn how to deal with your...
The Discovery of an Esoteric Message in Pascal’s Triangle.

The Discovery of an Esoteric Message in Pascal’s Triangle.

By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...
Finding My Voice.

Finding My Voice.

Singer Tony Kaldas interviewed by Natalie Dekel. ‘What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.’ The Buddha.   Natalie Dekel: Do you feel your work with music as part...
The Energy Behind the Sound.

The Energy Behind the Sound.

Spiritual chanting artist, Russell Jenkins, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: How did you develop your chanting abilities? [1] Russell Jenkins: I have a hearing of an Aum. It is like you look at it and you think, ‘Oh, it’s a star that I can pluck out of the sky.’...
Finding a Voice.

Finding a Voice.

Short interview with academic and painter Barbara Howey. Natalie Dekel: I know from reading your PhD thesis that your mother’s passing led you to start painting. Do you still feel that painful moments from the past lead you to create your current works? [1]...