by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 277 Before we give matches to children, we need to learn how to use it ourselves. Our atomic knowledge today can destroy us all… 278 But what can one person do?… One person can start by dropping that false notion of...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 182 What you give to others, you give to yourself, because there is only One of Us. 183 You cannot lose that which you give. 190 Truth is not about shouting our beliefs out loud, but about opening our hearts to others. 191 Our...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 150 You cannot change what you do not accept. Accept that you own it, and only then you will have the power to free it. What you resist, persists. Denial re-creates something; denial is to place the thing right there in front of...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 76 The return to God is an experience of a loss of the Individual Self. 77 In life we experience the micro of the whole. When we die we experience larger perspective. Then you will see larger macrocosms still. The game never...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 40 In our far history we lived in a matriarchal society, then slowly we shifted into patriarchy, which moved away from expressing emotions in life. When women ruled, they ruled with emotions. Men had no powers and had little...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 When you worry about what other people think of you, you are owned by them. When you need no approval from outside yourself, you then own yourself. 5 Fear and guilt are not what we are. Love and awareness are what we are. 6...
By Neale Donald Walsch. 1. We are all One. All things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing there is. This means that you are Divine. You are not your body, you are not your mind, and you are not your soul. You are the unique...
Steve Minchin, co-founder of The Global Conversation, interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Do you feel spirituality can operate with business? Steve Minchin: The message coming from the ‘Conversations with God’ books (by Neale Donald Walsch) is that our Politics...
by Gil Dekel. Part 2. Go back to part 1. page 190 When you love another for what you are, not for what they are, you then demonstrate that you need nothing from them, and that your love is not based on what you can get from them. 207 Society is a group of people...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. Go to part 2. page 12 All people have free-will. God gave people free-will because God is a creator, and He created people that are creators in themselves. Without free-will people will not be able to create at all, because they would only...
by Gil Dekel, PhD.Part 3 of 3. Back to part 2. Back to part 1. A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers: 130 At all breaking points in life there is one question to ask: what would love do now? Love is not to retain the best of the other...
by Gil Dekel, PhD. Back to part 1. This is Part 2 of 3. Go to part 3. A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers: Pages 66-67 Hold on to values that serve you. Look which values bring the highest you. Examine them. Tell the world. If you can...
by Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 1 of 3. Go to part 2. Go to part 3. A summary of main insights from CwG Book 1, with page numbers: Pages 3-4 God talks to all people but just a few listen… God does not only talk but communicates. A talk is limited to words, thus God do not...
By Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 2. Back to part 1. Page 64 In the ‘peace room’, just like the war room, we would map breakthrough and innovations that are working on this planet. The peace room will monitor every trouble spot on the earth and will link it with working...
By Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 1. Go to 2. The ideas of futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard (born 1929) are expressed in Neale Donald Walsch’s book, following his extensive research into her life-long journals, as well as in-depth interviews he conducted with her (sold separately...
by Gil Dekel. Could we find spiritual messengers today? Can prophets live amongst us, or are they saved to biblical times alone?… Neale Donald Walsch seems to answer these questions, with his internationally acclaimed ‘Conversations with God’ (CwG) books series...
Gil Dekel: Baie mense lees jou boeke en gaan doen dan iets positiefs … mense sit nie eenvoudig net die boeke terug op die rak nie. Hoe voel dit om ‘n man te wees wat miljoene inspireer tot aksie? Neale Donald Walsch: Ek voel nie dat ek dit gedoen het nie,...
ماذا عن “تمثيلية الحياة”؟ الحياة وهم لكننا نعيشها على أنها حقيقة, فيصبح الوهم حقيقة وبالتالى فهى لا تكون وهم على الإطلاق. هذا صحيح. حرية الإرادة إنما هى إختبار ما نسميه وهما وما نسميه حقيقة. أنت صائب تماما… الحياة تبدو حقيقية تماما بالنسبة لى. لكننا...
إذا نظرنا إلى الروح وإلى اللذين يختارون الالم أو العنف – هل تفهم الروح الألم الجسدى ؟ هل تفهم إحساس الجسد بالألم ؟ أعتقد أن الروح تفهم كل شىء. الروح تفهم مختلف جوانب التجربة البشرية. إنها لا تشعر بالألم لكنها تعرف كيف يكون. مثال ذلك أن تشاهد فيلم فترى مشهدا عنيفا على...
جيل: كثير من البشر بعد قراءة كتبك يذهبون ويفعلون شيئا أيجابيا… إنهم لا يعيدون الكتاب إلى الرف فحسب. ما شعورك وأنت تلهم الملايين وتحثهم على الفعل ؟ نيلى: لا أشعر أننى فعلت ذلك, أشعر أنه بفعل الله… لست أتواضع أو أحاول تقديم نفسى فى شكل بسيط مصطنع بل أعنى...
חזור לחלק 1… גיל דקל: אם נסתכל מנקודת מבטה של הנשמה הבוחרת בכאב או אלימות – האם הנשמה יודעת מה משמעות הכאב? האם היא יכולה להבין איך זה לסבול מכאב? ניל דונאלד וולש: אני חושב שהנשמה מבינה הכול. הנשמה מבינה כל היבט של החוויה האנושית. היא אינה מרגישה כאב אך היא...
גיל דקל: אנשים רבים קוראים את ספריך ואחר כך יוצאים ועושים משהו חיובי… הם לא מחזירים את הספר למדף אלא עושים משהו. איך ההרגשה להיות מישהו שנותן השראה למיליונים לפעול? ניל דונאלד וולש: אינני מרגיש שזה משהו שאני עושה, אני מרגיש שאלוהים עושה זאת… אינני מנסה...