How Do I Close My Eyes To See?
By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...
The process of drawing past-lives and guided portraits
By Natalie Dekel. Psychic portraits can help people see their past-lives, their loved ones and their Spiritual Guides. I would like to share with you the process of inspiration behind the psychic paintings that I produce. I have been painting from a very young age,...
Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.
Reiki is a method of drawing healing energy that balances the body and the mind. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi) means Energy. Reiki – Universal Energy. This energy is known for thousands of years as an energy that flows through people’s body, connecting the sky, the earth, and the core essence of human existence.

Conceptual Graphic Design: the abstract space of the creative process.
Black Circle That is Going to Be. Animation Flash Artwork. 2008. Converted to GIF animation (2019). Gil Dekel. “What interests me is not the square or the circle, but what is in betweenthe two: the artistic process by which one becomes the other.”...
The Discovery of an Esoteric Message in Pascal’s Triangle.
By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...
Finding My Voice.
Singer Tony Kaldas interviewed by Natalie Dekel. ‘What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.’ The Buddha. Natalie Dekel: Do you feel your work with music as part...
Emotional Slices of Light.
Photographic installation artist Katayoun Dowlatshahi interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You are tracing light onto glass using a method called Carbon Photography. How did you develop the idea of ‘light drawings’? [1] Katayoun Dowlatshahi: In 1998 I spent a year as...
Meaningful Objects.
Installation artist Ken Devine interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Your art project Colours of the Sphere looks at the ways in which people create meanings with the world around them and especially with colours. [1] Ken Devine: Yes, the project started ten years ago...
Life is a dream.
Interview with painter, photographer and installation artist Pablo Avendaño. Natalie Dekel: When was it that you first decided to paint or express yourself visually? [1] Pablo Avendaño: I cannot recall when it began except for the very early visits to the Prado with...
The Beauty in Temporality.
Watercolour painter Melanie Chan interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You specialise in watercolour paintings of flowers. What do you see in the flower? [1] Melanie Chan: I see the beauty of nature in flowers, and I am amazed by their perfection and their symmetry....
Portals of the Mind and the Soul.
Painter, poet and philosopher Paul Hartal is interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: What is your view on the sources of creativity in art? [1] Paul Hartal: Creativity is a cognitive process that results in new outcomes. It generates original ideas and novel products....
On Every Beach the Sand is Different.
Portraits and Encaustic Wax painter, Natalie Dekel, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: When did you start painting? Natalie Dekel: I was left-handed and my mother was worried that I will not be able to use my right hand. Where I was born and grew up, everyone had to...
Matt Manley (painter, teacher, digital artist, and illustrator of Rumi wall calendars published by Brush Dance) – interviewed by Natalie Dekel. Natalie Dekel: Your work seems a mix of symbols and memories – a puzzle leading the viewer...
Turning On the Light Without Choosing Which Way It Will Spread.
The authorial-Self, a ‘Muse’ of poetry, is interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: I am very happy to be able to interview my own ‘Muse’, my own creative self, and ask him about processes of inspiration in writing poetry. [1] I would like to thank you, the...In You We See The Light.
‘The Band of Brothers’ in an interview with Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: This interview is taking place through an automatic-speech experiment, where spiritual intelligent forms (‘beings’) are channelled through a medium. So, can I start by asking...
Insight into Words.
Poet Maggie Sawkins interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You have been writing since the age of nine. How does the process of writing poetry work for you? [1] Maggie Sawkins: I think that there are different processes for different poems. Sometimes it is two things...