Part of the Change – Chapter 4
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Part of the Change – Chapter 3
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Part of the Change – Chapter 2
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Part of the Change – Chapter 1
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Part of the Change – Introduction
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Part of the Change – Preface
Your role as a spiritual helper. By Neale Donald Walsch. Go to: >Preface. >Introduction. >Chapter 1. >Chapter 2. >Chapter 3. >Chapter 4. >Chapter 5. >Chapter 6. >Chapter 7. >Chapter 8. >Chapter 9. >Chapter 10. ...
Dr. Dekel Colour Shift illustration
By Gil Dekel, PhD. While we refer to colours with specific names (such as: red, green or blue) in truth colours do not seem to have specific ‘identity’. They are not ‘separate’ from each other, and do not exist in ‘isolation’. Rather they affect each other and depend...
Hanuka Symbolism
Delivered by Gil Dekel, December 2016. Gil: Hi everyone, my name is Gil. I’m going to tell you a little bit about the Jewish holiday of Hanuka, light over darkness. Hanuka is a Jewish holiday, which is celebrated each year, relating to something that happened some...
Self-reflective team-building process.
Gil Dekel, PhD (based on Dr. Goldsmith’s model¹). Many team-building processes fail because participants are asked to solve other people’s issues instead of solving their own. The following article proposes a process where people take responsibility for solving their...
Design with five lines only – a lesson plan
With Gil Dekel, PhD. Description: Create two different compositions using five lines only per composition. One composition should be ‘loud’; the other should be ‘quiet’. Objectives: Why? Learn to be creative and make the best use of minimum resources. Time, budget and...
Organising information through colours: design tips
By Dr. Gil Dekel How can colours support you in organising and designing information in your print or online projects? Here is a summary of the chapter ‘Colour’ from Tufte’s book ‘Envisioning Information’[1], with further suggestions I came across during my work as a...
15 tips for setting up a business (sole trader, partnership, or SMB)
By Gil Dekel (founder of Streaming Knowledge). I will share my top tips based on my own experience in market research, VAT, networking, business plan, finding good accountant… tax return, business entity, brand, and opening a bank account. Feel free to post your...
Warm and Cold Black
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Colours around us are extremely delicate. They can have gradations of shades and hues mixed. Nature is prolific in ‘creating’ elaborate colours. Look carefully at the example below. If you add red to black, you get a warm black. If you add blue to...
Hue, saturation and brightness (HSB)
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Hue, saturation, and brightness are characteristics of colours. Hue is another word for colour. The hue (colour) is the dominant wavelength that we see, for example: red, blue, green. Saturation is the intensity of the colour. It is how vivid and...
RGB and CMYK Colour systems.
By Dr. Gil Dekel. [About] Colours are made from different light wavelengths. There are a few ways in which light can produce colours. One way is the RGB system where colours are created electronically on TV and computers screens. RGB is called ‘additive system’....
How to find the right accountant for your business
Advise on how to find good accountant for your business.

Free Reiki Level 3 (Master/Teacher) Course Manual Extract
By Reiki Masters/Teachers, Natalie and Gil Dekel. In this free chapter extract from our Reiki 3 PDFs we discuss Reiki energy techniques: Energy Techniques It may sound somewhat strange that we – beings made of energy and surrounded by energy – have to...
Study of Seth Speaks ‘The Eternal Validity of The Soul’ – Part 2
Part 2: Lessons from pages 31-41: Past, present and future do not really exist. We do not need to hide our emotions or thoughts from others, because all of us cooperate in all consciousness and reality. This is Part 2. Go to: >Part 1. >2. Conflicts steal away...
Why practice guided meditations?
by Natalie and Gil Dekel. Every day I wake up with the question: what awaits me today? and is it all worth it? To find an answer I look up to nature: I notice the birds singing in the morning, the trees dancing in the wind, and the first daffodils coming out. Perhaps...