By Neale Donald Walsch. This is about your evolution, too My courageous partners… The good news is that to affect the course of human history you don’t have to be a public speaker or a best selling writer or a television presenter or a group facilitator or a workshop...
By Neale Donald Walsch. The most daring thing that humanity could do right now Sweet human family… I’m not sure where this item originally came from, but someone sent it to me in an email and it articulates cleverly and perfectly what I’m saying here: The complete...
By Neale Donald Walsch. The first belief we have to change Dear traveling companions… As we move into a new era the first thing we have to do is take responsibility for our past. Now, now, don’t run from that. This is not about taking blame, it’s about taking...
By Neale Donald Walsch. The one thing we know for sure My wonderful fellow humans… The major disruptions in life as we know it will not be ending soon. Not before and not immediately after December 2012. Yet—and I say this again, because it is important—things...
By Neale Donald Walsch. The answers to ‘why’ & ‘when’ My dear companions… As we contemplate all that’s occurring on our planet these days it is fair to ask, “Does this have to happen? Why is this happening???” The answer is yes, it has to happen. What is happening...
By Neale Donald Walsch. Can we talk? My dear, dear friends… my wonderful companions on this human journey… I’m so glad that you’re here, and I hope that your answer to the question just above is yes, because it’s very important that you hear this: We’re experiencing...
Buy Reiki Master/Teacher Manual PDF
Reiki Master/Teacher manuals to buy, from Gil and Natalie.

Key Lessons from Robert Kiyosaki ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the rich teach their kids – that you can learn too’ (review by Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 4 of 4.)
This is part 4 (of 4). Go to part 1. Part 2. Part 3. 202-203 Be true to yourself, and do not follow the crowd, because in the market it is usually the crowd that show up late for a business. If a great deal is on the front pages, it is too late...
Key Lessons from Robert Kiyosaki ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the rich teach their kids – that you can learn too’ (review by Gil Dekel, PhD. Part 3 of 4.)
This is part 3 (of 4). Go to part 1. Part 2. Part 4. 134 Financial intelligence is about having more options. It is about asking yourself at all times what can be done to improve things. It is not so much what happens, but what solutions you can think of, in order to...
Reiki Reiju Empowerment & Western Attunement – buy PDF guides
By Reiki Masters/Teachers, Gil and Natalie Dekel. These PDFs will guide you, step-by-step, in the process of giving Reiki Reiju Empowerment and Western Attunements. The PDFs contain clear and concise instructions – short texts with accompanied photos, so you can see...
How to find the right Reiki Master/Teacher?
By Gil Dekel (PhD, MA) Reiki Master/Teacher. There is a lot of hype and misleading information on the internet these days. Many people claim to be the ‘perfect’ Reiki practitioners, but only a few really completed proper Reiki training. So how do you find the right...HeArt Exhibition Event
‘He(ART) of Heritage’ Exhibition, 12-19 Sep 2015, St Denys Church and Gardens, Southampton, SO17 2ND, UK: The ‘HeArt of Heritage’ is 8-days art culture event with FREE art-workshops, live music, family activities, crafts, dance, paintings,...
Find Your Inner Library – the meditation
With Gil Dekel, PhD. Congratulations! I am honoured that you are taking this journey into your own magnificent source of knowledge. Please find a quiet space, where you can sit comfortably. If there are people around, ask them to not disturb you. And do not worry,...
Find Your Inner Library
With Gil Dekel, PhD. mp3 meditation to connect you to your Inner Library: Find the most powerful resource, containing the books of God, the books of the core of the Earth; the books that your spiritual guides consult. Read the secrets that you need to...
21 day Platinum Healing Program
With Gil Dekel, Natalie Dekel, and Naima Nouidjem. This program has been created by Gil, Natalie and Naima, through the protection of the archangels, the ascended masters and guides of the highest and the purest light. It empowers you to release what no longer serves...
How to run an effective webinar
By Gil Dekel. Here are golden rules to hosting a successful webinar. Everything you need to know in order to prepare, develop, design, promote, and run your effective webinar. I will explain what to do before, during, and after your webinar: Before the webinar...
Making art with nature
Making art with Snow (1). Food colouring on snow…Dr. Gil Dekel.Nature is not just a great place to work in, but also to work with. Nature provides for resources for the art-work itself, and teaches us to work with its properties (the wind, colours, and shapes found...
The Science Behind Reiki
by Tamisha Sabrina. Part 2. Back to Part 1. Reiki Induces Meditative State Zimmerman’s studies show that the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver are not only synchronised in the alpha or theta state, but become left-right balanced, both indicators of...
How does Reiki work?
By Gil & Natalie Dekel, Reiki Masters. Reiki works by utilising healing energy called ‘Chi’. The word Chi is pronounced ‘Ki’ in Japan, where Reiki was originated; this is why we say ‘Reiki’ and not ‘ReiChi’. ‘Rei’ stands for ‘universal’, and Chi/Ki means life...
The Inner Sun and Lake of Bliss – Meditation with Natalie Dekel
We’re going to do a meditation to awaken the inner sun. At the moment there’s a huge amount of intense energy, a very powerful positive energy. As this energy is pouring down on us to elevate us and awaken us, the not-so-enlightened parts in us (the parts we...