By Dr. Gil Dekel. Here are 4 lessons from Tolle’s book ‘The Power of Now’: 1. the mind is not your true self, 2. the key to enlightenment is giving up the belief of separation,3. time is an illusion,4. trying to achieve fulfilment only by external pleasures...
Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil) are Reiki Masters, with years’ experience in facilitating meditations that heal and empower people. “Guided meditations are simple practice to help you find inner peace, self-realization and clarity. In a meditation...
By Gil and Natalie Dekel. The Hebrew language is one of the oldest languages remaining. It has been untouched for thousands of years as followers of the Jewish tradition consider it sacred. According to the Kabala (Jewish mysticism) God has created the world with a...
A simple bookkeeping spreadsheet template – this free accounting Excel spreadsheet is perfect for sole-traders and self-employed small businesses. You can download and use it – but do not upload it online. The file works on PC and mac computers. How to...
With Reiki Masters, Natalie and Gil. Kotodamas are sacred sounds (chants) that correspond to Reiki symbols. They were in use much before the drawn symbols were developed. Listen to the chants in this video: * ChoKuRei is the physical energy symbol. It holds...
by Tamisha Sabrina. Part 1. Go to Part 2. During the 1980’s, Dr Robert Becker, Dr John Zimmerman, and Max Cade each investigated what happens whilst people perform therapies like Reiki. They found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and...
Emmanuel Dagher Interview with Natalie Dekel, MPhil (part 2 of 2) Part 2. Back to part 1. Natalie: I understand that you had difficult experiences before becoming a successful healer. Can you explain how difficulties brought you to where you are now? Emmanuel: I...
Emmanuel Dagher Interview with Natalie Dekel, MPhil (part 1 of 2) Part 1. Go to Part 2. Natalie Dekel: can you please describe yourself briefly; where you are coming from in terms of what you do? Emmanuel Dagher: The way I see it, defining myself is less about...
Looking to refresh your Reiki? Online Reiki Refresh, with Natalie and Gil, will reaffirm the energy and the information of Reiki levels 1, 2, and 3. (We also deliver online Reiki courses – not ‘Refresh’. contact us here).We will introduce you to new...
Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 3. Go to part 2. 1. Page 309 The root of humanity’s problems is in what we believe. 310 More and more people see that the old beliefs do not work anymore, and seek other ways. These people are becoming a “critical mass”. Critical...
Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 2. Go to part 1. 3. Page 178 We can close the gap between the comfort of tradition and the necessity of today’s innovation. We do not need to abolish old religions and beliefs, but to fulfil them. 180 People find it hard to let go of...
Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. Page 4 The basic message of all sacred scriptures is the same. The difference is how we interpret the message. Different interpretations are not a problem. The problem is making each other wrong for the different opinions, and then...
Do you have a question for Gil and Natalie, about Reiki or personal development? Ask in the comment section (scroll down to bottom of this page). Click the tabs below to read the answers. How to find a partner who really cares for me?: Question: How to find a partner...
Dr. Gil Dekel. Introduction and games/activities: Download this video’s PDF slides (personal, non-commercial use only)… Transcript… Jewish people celebrate four new years, one of which is Tu B’Shevat (Tu BiShvat). The festival is a...
With Natalie Dekel, MPhil. Today we’ll do a meditation to discover the true honest self that lies within us. So often it’s so much easier to look outside and judge others for what they have, how they behave, what they think; how they treat their emotions, how they...
by Gil, Natalie, and Yael Dekel. Free resources: – Download games ideas with PDF templates (click the links and photos in this article, to download). - Introduction to Hanukah story. Also, see other Hanukkah resources, here. Game 1 – Scare away...
Led by Gil and Natalie Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers, on Friday 5 Dec 2014, 9.00pm GMT (livestream #19). Answering your questions about: Mathematics. How to recognize that you are supported? Improving your finances. How to best prepare for, and perform in a...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Part -1. -2. -3. -4. Page 369 We are life-evolving, in a constant change. Everything changes, including you. We are the changer and the changed. When you wake up in the morning, ask, ”What is going to change today?” Do not ask,...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5. Page 262 We should all lighten up a bit regarding life and God. Stop being scared of God. We grow up the day we have a good laugh at ourselves. 263 Our soul is joy. Joy is the soul. To be joyful we need to put joy in...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5. Page 206 The essence of our soul is the essence of God. 207 Wisdom is knowledge applied. 208 1. Know God. 2. Trust God. 3. Love God. 210 Love solves any condition and any problem. 211 Love can heal any...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5. Page 121 What we choose comes to us. In fact, all things exist now because we chose them. What we believe of God, so we will conceive of God. God appears to us in the way that we see Her. 127 TV commercials are sold...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Part -1. -2. -3. -4. -5. Page 28 When you become rich set a portion of your wealth and treat it as if it does not matter – spend, buy, donate money, since it does not matter to do all this. If you hold on to something, you do not...