עם דר’ גיל דקל. [עבור לפרק א. ב. ג. ד.] עמוד 158 פרק ה. רז’ל – רבותינו זכרונם לברכה. אור, חסד, בריאה, היא מדרגה שווה לצמצום, לגבורה, להסתרה. על כך אמרו רז’ל שבתחילה היתה מחשבה לברוא עולם רק במידת הדין, הגבורה, הצמצום. אלא אז הוסיף אלהים...
עם דר’ גיל דקל. [עבור לפרק א. ב. ג. ה-ז-אגרת התשובה] עמוד 156 פרק ד. לכדור הארץ יש מסנן מפני קרינת השמש. דוד המלך אמר שהשמש היא סמל לשם הווי, ושם אלקים הוא סמל למסנן. אנו קולטים רק את קרני השמש שעברו סינון. השמש עצמה חזקה הרבה יותר. לעתיד אלהים יגלה את...
עם דר’ גיל דקל. [עבור לפרק א. ב. ד. ה-ז-אגרת התשובה] עמוד 155 פרק ג. יש = קיים, דבר שהוא עצמאי בנוכחותו, אינו נדרש לנוכחותו את האחר. בעל יכולות משלו. כל יש הוא למעשה אין. רמבם: כל קיים מוצאו מבורא עליון. ואם כח עליון ייפסק, חס ושלום, אזי כל הברואים יפסקו....
עם דר’ גיל דקל. [עבור לפרק א. ג. ד. ה-ז-אגרת התשובה] עמוד 153 פרק ב. אלהים אינו פועל על פי חוקי הטבע או הפיזיקה. אלהים מקיים בכל רגע את העולם, והאדם בוחר לקרוא לכך ‘חוקי טבע’ או ‘חוקי פיזיקה’. אי-אמונה בניסים היא למעשה אמונה אחרת,...
עם דר’ גיל דקל. [עבור לפרק ב. ג. ד. ה-ז-אגרת התשובה] עמוד 152 פרק א. שער העבודה והאמונה. הסברת משמעות “ייחוד השם”: אלוהים הוא אחד, וכמו כן – אין שום דבר אחר מלבד אלוהים. העולם, כמו גם האדם הם הכל אלוהים. ביהדות אין הדגשה על “אני...
Led by Gil and Natalie Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers, on Friday 21 Nov 2014, 9.00pm GMT (livestream #18). Why people are here? – What can we do to calm the mind? How to stop ‘leaking out’ energy? What is the Well of Stillness?.. These questions and others...
By Reiki Masters Natalie and Gil Dekel. *The information was received in a channeling session*. Question: How did the ancient Egyptians sense things that we cannot sense today? Answer: They were of a mixture of people, some were from previous civilization and these...
By Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters and Teachers. We are so used to struggle and to live in continuous opposing forces that we do not sense peace even when it finds us. Conflicting energies are tearing us to-and-fro in our daily lives, and so when a moment comes...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 141 Nations act out of their interests, then lie that they act for humanitarian reasons. We are all One, and can see others’ interests as our own. A one-world government. 143 We need one-world communities, with each nation...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 69 Space is an invisible energy. All solid objects we know of are actually 2% solid matter and 98% space. 71 The universe expands, then contracts, and then all over again. Such is life – cyclical. Life moves in cycles. There...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 35 Values of right and wrong constantly change. They change in times and in places. Something that is considered wrong ‘here’, may be ok ‘there’, in another place. So, definitions of right or wrong are not determined by what a...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 3 Finding God is finding that we are all One. When we stop hiding, we can then learn that we are One. The fastest way to stop hiding is telling the truth to everyone, at all times. 5 Our will is God’s will, because God loves...
Include 4 elements in your design brief: Goal = what to achieve. Context = background, settings, in which the new product must operate. Constraints = specific guidance, such as: a product should not weight more than 1 kilo. Criteria = less specific, they are more...
Dr. Gil Dekel. The Knowing Tools™ were designed to help you become aware of intuitive knowledge and information which already ‘exist’ in you. The tools will help you use your inner-knowledge to enhance your creativity, write articles, or develop art and design...
with Gil Dekel. This lesson continues page 4 (which is numbered ‘10’ in the Hebrew), from Perek 1 of the book. The Alter Rebbe has been at pains to explain that he does not mean that a ‘Beinoni’ was half sins and half ‘Mitzvots’. Beinoni is not a person who’s a...
With Dr. Gil Dekel. Examples of photography concepts: Scale (Small, Spacious) – Space (Realistic, Conceptual, Empty, Crowded) – Layers – View point (High angle, Low angle) – Composition (Centred, Distributed) – Depth of Field (Small,...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 351 All beings co-create the exterior circumstances and events. But the individual creates his own experiences. No one can force him to experience anything he does not wish for. The world can present you with circumstances, but...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 277 Before we give matches to children, we need to learn how to use it ourselves. Our atomic knowledge today can destroy us all… 278 But what can one person do?… One person can start by dropping that false notion of...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 182 What you give to others, you give to yourself, because there is only One of Us. 183 You cannot lose that which you give. 190 Truth is not about shouting our beliefs out loud, but about opening our hearts to others. 191 Our...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 150 You cannot change what you do not accept. Accept that you own it, and only then you will have the power to free it. What you resist, persists. Denial re-creates something; denial is to place the thing right there in front of...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 76 The return to God is an experience of a loss of the Individual Self. 77 In life we experience the micro of the whole. When we die we experience larger perspective. Then you will see larger macrocosms still. The game never...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 40 In our far history we lived in a matriarchal society, then slowly we shifted into patriarchy, which moved away from expressing emotions in life. When women ruled, they ruled with emotions. Men had no powers and had little...