Spirit Guides and Psychic Readings, with Natalie Dekel (MPhil)

Spirit Guides and Psychic Readings, with Natalie Dekel (MPhil)

Are you looking for Intuitive Counselling, Psychic Guidance, or Chakra Reading? “There is nothing in the world that you cannot ask. Ask, and listen to the guidance that we bring you, as it will help you see the truth in you, and learn how to deal with your...
Дневник скорби.

Дневник скорби.

Натали Дэкель. » English version. Последние восемь лет мама боролась с раком. Я находилась у ее постели и это – дневник последних трех недель. Ее трех недель. Даже в самых тяжелых ситуациях не теряйте веру, именно она станет Вашим стальным стержнем, который не...
Дневник скорби.

The Grieving Diary: last weeks with my mom.

By Natalie Dekel.  » на русском  Read in Russian. Mom was battling cancer for the last eight years. This is my diary of being besides her bed, in her last three weeks. Have faith even in the most difficult situations because underneath the mud and the rubble is a core...
Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.

Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.

Reiki is a method of drawing healing energy that balances the body and the mind. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi) means Energy. Reiki – Universal Energy. This energy is known for thousands of years as an energy that flows through people’s body, connecting the sky, the earth, and the core essence of human existence.

Finding My Voice.

Finding My Voice.

Singer Tony Kaldas interviewed by Natalie Dekel. ‘What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.’ The Buddha.   Natalie Dekel: Do you feel your work with music as part...
Finding a Voice.

Finding a Voice.

Short interview with academic and painter Barbara Howey. Natalie Dekel: I know from reading your PhD thesis that your mother’s passing led you to start painting. Do you still feel that painful moments from the past lead you to create your current works? [1]...
Insight into the Personal.

Insight into the Personal.

Curator Karen Robson interviewed by Natalie Dekel. Natalie Dekel: How can one curate an exhibition on something so intangible, such as memories? [1] Karen Robson: We started originally with the idea of just doing diaries – and it expanded as we explored the...
Life is a dream.

Life is a dream.

Interview with painter, photographer and installation artist Pablo Avendaño.   Natalie Dekel: When was it that you first decided to paint or express yourself visually? [1] Pablo Avendaño: I cannot recall when it began except for the very early visits to the Prado with...
On Every Beach the Sand is Different.

On Every Beach the Sand is Different.

Portraits and Encaustic Wax painter, Natalie Dekel, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: When did you start painting? Natalie Dekel: I was left-handed and my mother was worried that I will not be able to use my right hand. Where I was born and grew up, everyone had to...


Matt Manley (painter, teacher, digital artist, and illustrator of Rumi wall calendars published by Brush Dance) – interviewed by Natalie Dekel.       Natalie Dekel: Your work seems a mix of symbols and memories – a puzzle leading the viewer...