Release the mind and follow your spirit in these guided meditations of the higher realm. With Natalie and Gil Dekel. This is just a sample. Buy access to the full meditation! Pay anything you want from £7 to £77 to gain access. After payment you will be directed to...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 141 Nations act out of their interests, then lie that they act for humanitarian reasons. We are all One, and can see others’ interests as our own. A one-world government. 143 We need one-world communities, with each nation...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 69 Space is an invisible energy. All solid objects we know of are actually 2% solid matter and 98% space. 71 The universe expands, then contracts, and then all over again. Such is life – cyclical. Life moves in cycles. There...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 35 Values of right and wrong constantly change. They change in times and in places. Something that is considered wrong ‘here’, may be ok ‘there’, in another place. So, definitions of right or wrong are not determined by what a...
by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 3 Finding God is finding that we are all One. When we stop hiding, we can then learn that we are One. The fastest way to stop hiding is telling the truth to everyone, at all times. 5 Our will is God’s will, because God loves...
By Natalie Dekel, MPhil. So many of us live in concrete buildings, surrounded by million cables, the zapping electrical currents, the flickering television screens and computers, ipods and kindle books. We have almost lost the elemental connection to our essence of...
by Gil Dekel. Part 2. Go back to part 1. page 190 When you love another for what you are, not for what they are, you then demonstrate that you need nothing from them, and that your love is not based on what you can get from them. 207 Society is a group of people...
by Gil Dekel. Part 1. Go to part 2. page 12 All people have free-will. God gave people free-will because God is a creator, and He created people that are creators in themselves. Without free-will people will not be able to create at all, because they would only...
‘The Guide of Fridays’ (channelled by Natalie Dekel) in a conversation with Gil Dekel. ‘The Guide of Fridays’: Now, let me start by talking about the difficulties you face in life. Every day people face challenges, and many times they feel...
By the ‘Supreme Light’ (channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). A tree does not grieve for its leaves when they fall. It lets them fall knowing that it is their time to have freedom, and soon the tree has new leaves. Everything has its time and...
By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...