5. Abstract

Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice. PhD thesis in Art, Design & Media, by Gil Dekel.   5. Abstract This thesis describes an exploration of the processes of conception of inspiration and application in art-making through making art...

4. Lists (icons, diagrams, graphs, figures)

Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice. PhD thesis in Art, Design & Media, by Gil Dekel.   4. Lists (icons, diagrams, graphs, figures)   List of icons used within the body text:    = ‘see appendix’. = ‘a DVD disc of the film is enclosed...
3. Table of Content

3. Table of Content

Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice. PhD thesis in Art, Design & Media, by Gil Dekel.   3. Table of Content 1. Thesis Title Page 2. Dedication 3. Table of Content 4. Lists (icons, diagrams, graphs, figures) 5. Abstract 6. Introduction 7....

2. Dedication

Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice. PhD thesis in Art, Design & Media, by Gil Dekel.   2. Dedication To the one who is walking beside me for thousands of years now, my wife, and the one who reminds me why we are here, my child. I am...
3. Table of Content

1. Thesis Title Page

01. Thesis Title Page Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice Gil Dekel Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Portsmouth   May 2009[formatted for the web...
Listening to Yourself.

Listening to Yourself.

Dr. Amikam Marbach interviewed by Gil Dekel (discussing how to structure a PhD thesis).   Gil Dekel: You have developed a method that employs words to help people become aware of their prior knowledge, or inner insights. With your method people can articulate these...