Hue, saturation and brightness (HSB)
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Hue, saturation, and brightness are characteristics of colours. Hue is another word for colour. The hue (colour) is the dominant wavelength that we see, for example: red, blue, green. Saturation is the intensity of the colour. It is how vivid and...
RGB and CMYK Colour systems.
By Dr. Gil Dekel. [About] Colours are made from different light wavelengths. There are a few ways in which light can produce colours. One way is the RGB system where colours are created electronically on TV and computers screens. RGB is called ‘additive system’....
How to find the right accountant for your business
Advise on how to find good accountant for your business.

Streaming Knowledge method – for writing articles and creating art-works
by Dr. Gil Dekel. I have developed the Streaming Knowledge method (SKM) on the teachings of Dr. Amikam Marbach, Carl Jung and other scholars. The method helps people generate ideas, make effective literature search and write articles (or produce...
Inspiration and Creativity in Art
Dr. Gil Dekel “This 20- minute lecture by Dr. Gil Dekel is worth a listen. The feeling at the end is, “How awesome creativity is!” What is the artist really saying in each and every painting? Dr. Dekel tells us.” – Mary Gwyn Bowen, nurse and art...
Knowing Tools: Knowledge-Extraction Methods.
Dr. Gil Dekel. The Knowing Tools™ were designed to help you become aware of intuitive knowledge and information which already ‘exist’ in you. The tools will help you use your inner-knowledge to enhance your creativity, write articles, or develop art and design...
Learning to See: What to look for when taking photographs.
With Dr. Gil Dekel. Examples of photography concepts: Scale (Small, Spacious) – Space (Realistic, Conceptual, Empty, Crowded) – Layers – View point (High angle, Low angle) – Composition (Centred, Distributed) – Depth of Field (Small,...
Dr. Dekel’s 10 most important rules for Graphic Designers
Dr. Gil Dekel. 1. Break the Rules: Learn the rules, and then break them. Invent new rules. But remember to first learn the existing rules, and only then to break them. 2. Listen: You have two ears and only one mouth, so listen twice than speaking. Listen, look, and...
‘A-Learning’ method to retrieve angelic academic data.
By Dr. Gil Dekel and Dr. Loykie Lominé. Drawing from the Platonic idea of anamnesis, and Carl Jung’s practical experiments, Dr. Dekel and Dr. Lominé link creativity, pedagogy and spirituality. Facilitating a guided meditation within academic context, they explore...
The Colour Wheel
Dr. Gil Dekel (Art, Design & Media). Buy hi-resolution print-ready Colour Wheel JPG and PDF files. Examples of Colour Sets (Schemes): Monochromes – any single colour, on the colour wheel: Complementary – any two...
Streaming Knowledge / Words into Objects: a research method
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Download empty Template of the method. How does it work?1. Focus on what interests you (learn to ‘listen to yourself’). Words will then ‘come up’ to you.2. Complete the template table with the words.3. Use the words to conduct...
Introduction to Innovation in the 21st century
By Dr. Gil Dekel, and Natalie Dekel (MPhil) Our society is constantly evolving, and with it comes an on-going need for new ideas and products that are different, sustainable, and useful for daily life. With technological and scientific developments the process of...
תגלית מסר אזוטרי במשולש פסקל
(גרסה אנגלית English) (Paul Hartal) פול זאב הרטל התחלתי לצייר ציורים בהשפעת הקבלה בשנות ה1990. לתדהמתי הגמורה, ניסיונותיי אלו הובילו לתגלית בלתי צפויה ומרגשת של תקשורת טרנסצנדנטלית. באלף-בית העברי, כל אות מייצגת ערך מספרי. כשהחלפתי את המספרים במשולש פסקל באותיות...
The shift in the role of museums following the mass-reproduction of images of artworks
by Gil Dekel, PhD. (About Gil. Contact) Introduction In this paper I will follow the evolution of art museums through the effect of the use of images of artworks. I will argue that the use of images of artworks has contributed to a shift in the role of museums from...
Lessons from John Dewey’s ‘How We Think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process’ (summary/review by Gil Dekel, PhD.)
by Gil Dekel, PhD. Review: Dewey argues that thinking is a natural automated act, just like breathing and heartbeat are, and therefore it is impossible to teach someone to think. However, it is possible to help develop someone’s thinking, by helping develop a...
Key Lessons from Edward de Bono’s ‘Parallel Thinking: From Socratic to de Bono Thinking’ (a short summary by Gil Dekel, PhD).
by Gil Dekel Edward de Bono argues that the way people think is governed by pre-set patterns, such as the use of analysis and judgment, which limit our faculty to comprehend data and information, and process ideas into truly creative results. de Bono offers...
From Sight to Vision: a review of Maurice Bowra’s book ‘The Romantic Imagination’ (reviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel).
by Gil Dekel, PhD. This book offers an important insight into the power of imagination by clearing a prevailing mistake about the English Romantics poets. The author shows that the poets were not indulged in imaginary states ‘removed’ from this world, rather they saw...
Is Reiki Nonsense?
by Gil Dekel (Reiki Master/Teacher and PhD in Art, Design and Media). The purpose of this article is to analyse the difficulties in formulating coherent arguments about the benefits of Reiki. Whilst scientific research has undoubtedly brought progress to the human...
Mathematics and Reality: Is Mathematics a symbolic Universe Invented by the Human Mind? (part 5 of 5)
Part 5 of 5. Read Part 1… Read previous part, 4… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 5: A Magical Land of Infinite Worlds A gentle soul and highly poetic mathematician, Georg Cantor (1845-1918), upset thoroughly the applecart of arithmetic with his Set Theory of Infinity....
Mathematics and Reality: Is Mathematics a symbolic Universe Invented by the Human Mind? (part 4 of 5)
Part 4 of 5. Read the previous part… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 4: Unverifiable Theories Although Einstein had made major contributions to the development of quantum theory, in his eyes the new branch of physics was incomplete. He could not accept the idea that on the...