Mathematics and Reality: Is Mathematics a symbolic Universe Invented by the Human Mind? (part 1 of 5)
by Paul Hartal. Introduction Mathematics is a model of exact reasoning, the most precise branch of human knowledge. Using logic as its main instrument, mathematics probes the numerical and spatial relations of axiomatic systems by means of strict rules and careful...Representation and Narrative in Popular Two-Dimensional Animation: A Critical and Practical Investigation.
MPhil thesis by Natalie Dekel. Can self-observation of an artist/researcher on her work stand as an academic tool of investigation? I would argue that the process of moving from theoretical analysis to practical exploration of one’s own art work can challenge...Engaged practice and authorship: Inquiry into the process of animation filmmaking as a practitioner and critical researcher.
MPhil thesis by Natalie Dekel. I would argue that artistic ‘information’ is rushing through one’s body and mind, driving one to express in animated language of symbols and images what is ultimately a personal interpretation of subjective authorial nature....
Lines of the Self: artistic choices while creating art works.
In this paper I will reflect on the connection between lines in art works, the artist’s personality and the choices they make in the creative process. I will offer examples from my work as a painter/animator and a researcher.

The Silence of the Paper: Embodiment of ‘Artistic Personality’ in the Process of Art-making.
by Natalie Dekel. How artists embody their distinct personality, emotions and experiences, in the process of making an art work? The literature in art does not sufficiently discuss this point, where the literature often refers to the final product from which views...
“Waterised Words”: Exhibition exploring self-knowledge through art practice.
By Gil Dekel, University of Portsmouth. First published in Consciousness, Literature and the Arts. ISSN 1470-5648. Volume 9 Number 1, April 2008. Plato’s suggestion ‘know yourself’ raises the question: How can one know oneself? What are the tools available for...
Who is the Author of my Poems?: Art Practice Based PhD Exploring Knowledge Gained in the Process of Creativity.
By Gil Dekel. It is a prevailing assumption that poetry is closely linked to the times in which it is created, and that the poet is influenced by his/her surroundings. For example, the English Romantic poetry is seen as a direct result of the French and American...
Illuminating the Word: Visualisation of Poetic Experiences Through Filmmaking.
By Gil Dekel. Freud acknowledged that poets have explored the unconscious much before he himself developed it into his psychological theories (Jay, 1984: 23). Visionary poets such as Blake and William Wordsworth suggested the psychoanalytic process much before Freud...
Wordless Silence of Poetic Mind: Outlining and Visualising Poetic Experiences through Artmaking.
By Gil Dekel. This paper approaches visionary poetry from the point of view of an experiential observer. The paper explores the “poetic silence” that occurs in the moments before the poem is written, attempting to capture the moments in which a thought of...
Conceptual Graphic Design: the abstract space of the creative process.
Black Circle That is Going to Be. Animation Flash Artwork. 2008. Converted to GIF animation (2019). Gil Dekel. “What interests me is not the square or the circle, but what is in betweenthe two: the artistic process by which one becomes the other.”...
The Discovery of an Esoteric Message in Pascal’s Triangle.
By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...
Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice (PhD Research review).
By Dr. Gil Dekel. During my PhD research at the University of Portsmouth I have noted that not only artists and art students can be creative and innovative, but that every single person has the potential to ‘tap’ into creativity. Creativity and inspiration unfold in...