Manual by Reiki Masters Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil).
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Angel RafaEl – art by Reiki Master, Natalie Dekel.
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The manual is the actual training manual given to Second Degree Reiki students.
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Table of Contents for Reiki 2 Manual:
The Original Japanese Form of Reiki
Usui’s First Degree (Shoden)
Usui’s Second Degree (Okuden)
Second Degree Reiki Symbols
The Origin of the Symbols
How to Draw the Reiki Symbols
The Power Symbol: Cho Ku Rei
The Emotional / Mental Symbol: Sei He Ki
The Connection/Distant Symbol: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Intensifying the Energy with ChoKuRei and SeiHeKi
Opening the Foot Chakra
Reversing a Treatment’s Direction
Laser Beam
Blood Cleansing – Detoxification Technique
Intuitive Techniques
Reiji Ho
Treatment for Headaches
Treatment for Traumas
Energy Meditations Exercises
Increasing the Flow of Energy
‘Additional Hands’ technique:
The Microcosmic Orbit
Grounding and Protecting
‘Healing Response’
Kenyoku (Dry Bathing):
Joshin Kokyu Ho (Soul Cleansing Breathing Method)
Gassho (Hands Together)
Hatsu Rei Ho
The Fire Dragon Symbol
The Next Step – Master/Teacher Course
Light Invocation
Reiki Principles
Further Resources available to you
Bibliography / Further Reading
Thank you very much, these manuals are so much better than what i received when i trained and will be brilliant for future students, i will tell them it cannot be copy written. I am so happy to have such a manual, my makeshift ones in the past where not as good.
Thank you so much for the ability to download these manuals. The thought of writing it all myself was too daunting. Thank you
Thank you so much for these manuals. And when I emailed a question the answer was immediate and very helpful, thank you so much.