Hebrew Letters Meditation Vision (art by Natalie Dekel)
By Gil and Natalie Dekel.
The Hebrew language is one of the oldest languages remaining. It has been untouched for thousands of years as followers of the Jewish tradition consider it sacred.
According to the Kabala (Jewish mysticism) God has created the world with a thought which manifested into a breath and then solidified into letters. The letters formed the first word. Words are physical manifestation of thoughts, and they pave the way to actions.
Every moment our Universe is being re-created again and again with the breath and letters carrying energy that reverberate into each molecule of our existence.
This mystical story from the Kabala comes to teach us that people (who are created in the ‘image and likeness of God’) also have the power to influence reality with their speech. People’s thoughts and words co-participate in the process of creating life. But, depending on our awareness and understanding, we can create either positive or negative vibrations of energy and life experiences. What we think we manifest; and what we say we put forward.
Each one of us has been given a name at birth. Names are made of letters and energy that add insight to our path. We are affected by the energy of each letter, which in turn we apply with our thoughts, feelings and actions. When you learn the energy behind the letters, and their sounds, you can direct them in a constructive way so to add positive light and relationships with yourself and with people around you.
‘Alef’ – Hebrew classes, Sundays morning.
Book here. Pay with card, or paypal (Input £60, or £54 student.)
‘Shalom’ – Hebrew classes through art-making
You can learn Hebrew while creating simple art works based on the shapes of the Hebrew letters, and the meanings they bring. No previous artistic skill is required. We developed a course for children, but parents can also join. We may also tailor a workshop for adult audience if there is demand. Through art-activities participants can grasp the ‘essence’ of the letters more deeply, and enhance association to the language. The classes help appreciate different cultures, develop flexible interpretations of communication, as well as improve hand-eye coordination, mental awareness and attention to detail.

Shalom: Hebrew classes through art-making
The method of learning Hebrew through art-making was developed by Dr. Gil Dekel and Natalie Dekel, MPhil – both are teachers and artists, and are fluent in Hebrew.
All welcome. Materials and light refreshment provided. Classes are online, and also in Southampton, England, UK, on Sundays mornings. Venue/times subject to change.
Contact us here (pls leave a message saying you are interested in the Hebrew classes Southampton).
9 March 2015. Updates 19 Jan 2020.
© Gil and Natalie Dekel