By Gil & Natalie Dekel, Reiki Masters.
Reiki works by utilising healing energy called ‘Chi’. The word Chi is pronounced ‘Ki’ in Japan, where Reiki was originated; this is why we say ‘Reiki’ and not ‘ReiChi’. ‘Rei’ stands for ‘universal’, and Chi/Ki means life force – together, Reiki stands for: Universal Life Force.
Chi energy cannot be seen but it can be felt as a field of supportive conscious around you and inside you. The energy flows from the universe and into people, and back from people to the universe. It moves via pathways in the body called ‘Chakras’ and ‘Meridians’, nourishing the organs and the cells, and supporting them in their functions. It also works around people’s body in a field called the ‘Aura’.
The energy does not only heal the body, but also provides confidence and wisdom (with moments of just ‘knowing’ things). Wisdom and healing are inherent in the Chi, and can be manifested when we open-up or ‘awaken’ to it through Reiki practice (you can try Reiki guided meditations, like this one, to learn to connect to your Chi).

Energies flow in Reiki Sessions (artwork – Reiki Art (#4) – by Gil and Natalie)
Have you ever experienced ‘feeling’ people without actually seeing them? Do you sometimes get Déjà vu, or ‘knowing’ of something from the past or the future? These experiences occur because you have become sensitive to the Chi energy around you. The energy holds information, as well as compassionate supportive love-power, and you are simply ‘tapping’ to it.
Reiki facilitates and channels the Chi life force in a healing session, where the practitioner (Reiki healer) lays their hands on the client, allowing the energy to flow to the body and ‘clear up’ the pathways. The healer taps to the energy, through a process of intention, and becoming a channel to the energy.
Some studies in Quantum Physics suggest that people’s intentions and thoughts can actually affect the arrangement of the atoms that make up physical objects. Negative thoughts can diminish the energy that supports the organs, while positive thoughts have the power to help heal a person. “I believe,” says Dr. Larry Dossey , that “there is compelling scientific data suggesting that healing intentions (whether called willing, wanting, wishing, prayer, etc.) can bring about biological changes in humans…”
The Chi energy flows from the universe and through the Reiki healer, and from their hands to the affected parts in the patient’s body. This raises the vibrations of the energy field in and around the body, where negative thoughts and feelings are attached, causing them to ‘break’ apart or shift. In so doing, Reiki clears and balances the energy pathways; allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. “The mechanism is unclear,” says Dossey about similar healing intention practices “but in medicine (and science in general) we often know that something works before we know how it works.”

Different energies and sensations are experienced in Reiki session (artwork Reiki Art (#1) – by Gil and Natalie)
Tamisha Sabrina, in her article ‘The Science behind Reiki’, explains that while giving a Reiki treatment, the brain wave patterns of the practitioner and the receiver become synchronized in the alpha state. This state is characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation. It is pulsing in unison with the universe magnetic field. During Reiki moments, the bio-magnetic field of the practitioners’ hands is at least 1000 times greater than normal.
The linking of energy fields allows the practitioner to draw on the universal healing field, and help to channel positive energy into the areas in need in the patient.
Since Life Force is guided by a Higher Intelligence, it is drawn to where the body needs it the most, sometimes not where one would expect it to go. The Reiki healer is only a channel for this energy. The healer cannot control or guide it, therefore they cannot misuse it.
A Reiki healer would demonstrate passion to help, as well as modesty. The word ‘healer’ is commonly used, thought we believe that Reiki practitioners do not heal rather they facilitate a healing session. A true Reiki healer will not pretend to be better than the client or all-knowing, rather will work as a channel guided by higher intelligence.
To become a Reiki Master/Teacher you need to take Reiki lessons in which you will be attuned to the energies, and learn how to work with the Chi, Chakras, and your spiritual guides.
28 March 2015
© Gil and Natalie Dekel