Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil) are Reiki Masters, with years’ experience in facilitating meditations that heal and empower people.
“Guided meditations are simple practice to help you find inner peace, self-realization and clarity. In a meditation the muscles relax, your perception is sharpened, and a process of cellular healing begins. People report on a sense of appreciation, and with it a growing clarity about what they need to do next in order to move forward in life.” – Natalie and Gil.
‘Shedding the remains of the past’ meditation with Natalie Dekel, MPhil.

Chakra Art (#68) – by Natalie Dekel. Encaustic Wax technique.
[Scroll down to book] Through meditation we can accept our worries, fears, and confusions – instead of judging or ‘fighting’ them – and by accepting we can then resolve or let them go.
In a meditation with us, you will notice your breathing as this will help you stop the constant ‘chatter’ in the mind. When you focus on your breathing, and not on your thoughts, you then find a ‘realm of patience’, so to speak, which resides in you. Breathing does not supply only with oxygen to the body, but also other energies. These energies nourish the organs, stimulate healthier blood flow, open-up your chakras (energy centres) and ground you to the Earth.

Angel RafaEl – by Natalie Dekel.
In a personalised meditation session we will guide you in using tools to boost your spiritual growth and financial freedom. At the end of the day, we are all on the same soul journey towards mastery, and on this path we meet people who can share their gifts and help us.
‘The moon of the inner heart’ meditation with Gil Dekel, PhD.
Book your personalised meditation session with Gil or Natalie. You can tell us the issue you want to work on or any initial question you may have –> contact us here. Personalised Meditations last between 45minutes to 1 hour. Cost £72. We can work online or meet up in person.
Example of guided meditation where we discuss the layers of burden that people carry with them, and how to remove these layers:
As you sit in a meditation session with us, you may sense an inner light and wisdom that reside within you. You may also see that there are ‘layers’ that cover and hide your light and true-self… These layers can be removed.
First, try to acknowledge that we all ‘carry’ heavy loads on our shoulders, in our bodies, and in our hearts. We tend to ‘carry’ memories, emotions, and perceptions from the past, which do not serve us anymore in our day to day life. When it comes to releasing one’s patterns of behaviours, what we need to do is throw away these old ‘layers’ that we have accumulated.
* The first layer is solid as stone. This layer is about how we present ourselves to other people – how we portray ourselves to others. This layer is firm and fixed, almost unchangeable. At first, it seems to serve us as it protects our vulnerable-self. However, it also blocks our true-self, filling us with worries. It is a layer built entirely on fears, which you have kept inside and hid from other people for a long time.
Now, imagine you are holding a hammer – with each breath you take, imagine energy flowing to the hammer – and as you exhale, imagine the hammer knocking down the stone layer. Knock the layer down, bit by bit, until it is completely shattered…

The Healing Wheel. Is your ‘wheel’ balanced and attuned?
* The next layer is like a metal net. This layer represents other people’s judgements about us – but in truth it is not what other people think of us – rather it is how you think others see you. Judgement comes from other people (family, friends, religions), but if you take it on yourself, you then cage it inside, turning it into your identity.
In truth, any judgement or opinion thrown at you is a reflection of your innermost thoughts that you have about yourself. Your thoughts and fears are reflected through other people. But at the same time you will realise that when people are talking about you, in fact they are talking about themselves. What people say has nothing to do with you at all, unless you decide to take it personally. If something in you resonates with it, you will then take it on yourself.
To release yourself from this net, take imaginary scissors and tweak it open so as to bend it out. You can then get out of the metal net, and throw it into a fire of unconditional love, where unwanted layers disintegrate.
You may feel small and light after removing these layers because they made up a sphere of identity that you have been attached to. It takes adjustment. However, size and shape are no longer important because what is far more essential is your inner fire. The inner fire can only spread in your body once you remove the cages, and when you grant freedom to your true self.
* The third layer to remove is the layer of thoughts. This is the layer that encloses your ideals, feelings, and opinions. It stops the circulation of energy; and what is worse is that it is semi-transparent so people do not recognise it easily.
To remove it, simply peel it off your neck, shoulders, hands, back, and stomach; and then throw it away through your feet, and into the fire of unconditional love.
When you remove this layer, you will breathe-in light and radiate it to other people around you. You will then notice any negative thoughts as they come, and be able to replace them with positive and stimulating ones.
* Next, cleanse the layer of emotions. This level may look like tangled roots. Cut them off, and throw them into the fire. As they crack and disintegrate into ashes, an atmosphere of life and joy will gently replace the ‘nothingness’. You will feel more balanced.
At last, you can step into the body of light – a transparent energy where peace and love reign. This auric field will not only serve as your peace zone but also as a protective sphere to remind you of your true identity and calling.
Meditation is a powerful process which requires a willing spirit. It allows for growing awareness, and creates a room of wisdom in your mind and soul. In today’s fast-paced life style, meditations help people to better grasp their inner reality and put the outer reality in perspective.
Book personalised meditation/attunement, contact us here.
15 March 2015 © Natalie and Gil Dekel