If you could write to God, what would you say? what would you ask?
Read letters from other writers:
god i did sins again and again, and i have hurt her a lot, please i realize my mistake,bring her back to me one chance i am never gonna hurt her directly indirectly, i will always make her happy and will listen to her what she wants, i love her so much, i disrespected her, please one time bring her back and i will respect her all my life
Achintya Bharadwaj – 18 November 2019 at 2:36 pm.
Dear God
Seems to me like no matter what I do or pray things just keep getting worst.
For instance I tried to hide/distance myself from everyone but still things just keep coming, Im not sure if it’s a test but I’r really on my breaking point right now. I just want to be patient and see what the end result is because things are not looking pretty good right now… I ask for strength and guidance from you to get through whatever challenge i have to face. It’s been hard and stressful, I had to sacrifice certain friendships and some people I’m just so glad and thankful that i don’t keep up with anymore. Life is hard for me and my mom and dad right now, I was so ignorant before to think that everything would be smooth and fast, even before I came to this country, I looked at things completely one sided. Sad, really sad but the battle is not over yet and this is just a stage in my life that God wants to test me in and keep me humble so I won’t take things for granted. My lord I’m so blessed and thankful that you are still after all my sins and unfaithfulness always with me keeping me safe no matter what, Glory be to you my lord and savior.I would go on and on and write a whole book as big as a dictionary to express to you how i feel and felt throughout my life but this game called life, this test is not over yet. I may have failed at it a couple of times but I know I’ll make it through only if you are wit me every step of the way to guide me. For these upcoming months PLEASE have mercy on me my lord, let me hid and work towards my goals and not be afraid about anything in particular… You know it all my lord and just hope and wish that things would be different but I know you have my back! lot to say … hope one day i could get it all out. You know how i feel. 🙁
Sincerely and with immeasurable love
God’s child – 10 November 2019 at 8:04 am.
Hey Big Guy. i dont know how to start these things really or what to call you. i am struggling with the idea of the bible and stuff but lets push that aside. I want to thank you for all that youve done for me. i appreciate all the good in this world and i know what youre putting me through now is for the best. but i want to ask you for strength to get through this. i dont want to throw some pity party and ask why me. but please i need hope and strength. i dont feel worthy to write to you. I was born in the wrong body but i guess that was your intention. for me to grow. and be the man you want me to be. i dont feel worthy because there are so many other people and they need your help more than i do. thank you for all that youve done.
your son,
Jay Nicholas – 27 October 2019 at 7:14 am.
Dear god im am scared I have gotten a bad grade on my test please help me get a good grade instead of a bad one and please help my mother get more money and a better job and please help my father be happier and always protect my brother from harm. Thank you lord for always being on my side and I hope I can keep doing the same.
kayla – 24 October 2019 at 2:31 am.
Dear God,
I trust you will get this letter wherever you are. I’m writing to you because I have a very special request. Which is asking for you to intervene and restore peace in the growing number of war torn countries, to end world hunger and poverty, to heal disease. pleas may you help me from lucy
lucy – 18 October 2019 at 7:06 pm.
What should i do my father so much been happening i dont know what to do anymore father
Alexandria Jones – 4 October 2019 at 4:23 pm.
Dear God,
Thank you for all of the help over the previous months, I really do appreciate it. I just need help, with someone very close to me as you already know. She is so incredible and it would mean the world to me if you could give her the strength to tell me her feelings for me. I like her so, so much and i don’t know what to do with myself when i am not talking to her. I need her in my life as i don’t know how much longer i can hold in my feelings for her. Thank you lord for listening, I just hope you can help me.
Ben – 10 September 2019 at 7:18 pm.
Please take this fear away I’m so scared all the time anxiety and depression. Please help I feel worthless stupid need some help. I really need a job so I can care for my mom. Please help
Heather – 5 September 2019 at 1:24 am.
dear god watch over aservice in chicago your friend andy
andy cason – 28 August 2019 at 7:09 pm.
Please help I’m so scared please help me get through this. Please help us I can’t breathe I’m so scared and depressed. Please help my mom be okay and let me get one of these jobs with Madera please help. I appreciate all you have blessed me with just help me a little open their hearts a little to get me in. I just want to care for my mom and her animals please. Thank you amen
Heather – 26 August 2019 at 9:36 pm.
Dear my heavenly father,
Please help my household as you see our daily struggles. Please help us. Father god god I also pray that ***** can keep his studies going please ease his stress and help him father as he is super stressed with his schooling. And also help him with his ex wife as she keeps causing problems. Please help with our finances and continue to bless everyone farther god. I thank you amen!
Rachel – 14 August 2019 at 1:35 am.
Dear God
Please help with this job I’m so lost I don’t know what to do help them accept me and let me work please
Heather – 23 June 2019 at 12:57 am.